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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 28

        Gandhian Society (USA) Honors Esteemed

                                          Guests in New Jersey

        OUR BUREAU                        Surgum Godbole, a dedicated young   museum will showcase digital arti-  serves special mention for its gener-
                                          volunteer  of  the  Gandhian Society,   facts chronicling the life of Mahatma   ous donation of artifacts and ongoing
        Edison, NJ
                                          then graced the occasion with a soul-  Gandhi and serve as a platform to   support for the project, mirroring its
              he Gandhian Society (USA)   ful  rendition  of  Mahatma  Gandhi’s   propagate his timeless message and   efforts worldwide.
              hosted a prestigious event in   favorite bhajan, “Vaishnav Jan Tu.”  ideals that continue to inspire gener-  The evening concluded with a
        TEdison, New Jersey, to wel-          The Gandhian Society volunteers   ations. The Aditya Birla Group de-  delightful dinner reception.
        come esteemed guests: Dr. Harshad   accorded a traditional welcome to all
        Patel,  Vice  Chancellor  of  Gujarat   guests of honor with cotton garlands.
        Vidyapith;  Shri  Nithin  Mathuria  ji,   The evening featured remarks from
        President of Aditya Birla Group of   esteemed guests. Dr. Sudhir Parikh
        Companies; and other distinguished   commended the Gandhian Society’s
        guests  included  Dr.  H.  R.  Shah   tireless efforts in promoting Gand-
        (Chairman,  TV  Asia),  Nishith  Patel   hian values among young  people.
        (President, Edison Council), Ken-     Nishit Patel expressed his appre-
        ny Desai (Ex-President, FIA), Dr.   ciation for the Society’s dedication to
        Sudhir Parikh (Chairman, Parikh   serving underprivileged communities
        Media),  Viru  Patel  (Councilman,   worldwide. Biral Patel applauded the
        Woodbridge), Dipak Shah (Presi-   Society’s commitment to keeping
        dent, FISANA), Dr. Mukund Thakur   youth at the forefront of all its initia-
        (President, INH), and Dilip Chouhan   tives.
        (Deputy Commissioner of Interna-      A highlight of the event was
        tional Affairs, NYC).             the presentation of a plaque by Mr.
            Held at Msquare Fitness and   Bhadra Butala, Founder and Grand
        Recreation Center, the event com-  Patron of the Gandhian Society, to
        menced with a captivating display of   Shri Nitin Mathuria in recognition
        acrobatics and martial arts on rope   of his outstanding leadership in the
        and pole by members of the Mal-   community.
        lakhamb Federation of USA. Follow-    The event followed the Gand-
        ing the performance, Mandar Patil,   hian Society team’s visit to New York
        a board member of the Federation,   City earlier that day, where they
        addressed the audience, introducing   explored the new premises for the
        the organization and its activities.   upcoming Gandhian Museum. This

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