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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32

         Lights, Camera, Action! Vidya Jyoti’s Bollywood

                             Glam Gala Sets the Stage on Fire

         Sunil Shah FIA Chairman, Founder President, Pratibha Jairath, Rita Shah and Pinky Thakkar

        OUR BUREAU                        stage with a warm welcome, paving
                                          the way for Pratibha Jairath’s in-
        Chicago, IL
                                          spiring remarks. The audience was
               n Sunday, April 28, 2024, the   treated to a captivating presentation
               stars  aligned  as  Vidya  Jyoti   highlighting the profound impact of
        O- Global Education Oppor-        Vidya  Jyoti’s  initiatives.  From  the
        tunity Foundation rolled out the red   Dayanand  Model  School  in  Punjab
        carpet for its dazzling Bollywood   to the Kohka Foundation in Madhya
        Glam Gala at the Ashyana Banquets.   Pradesh,  Vidya  Jyoti’s  footprint  in
        The evening, themed “Spotlight on   empowering young lives across India
        Your Inner Talent,” brought together   was vividly showcased.
        a constellation of supporters, spon-  The highlight of the evening
        sors, and community members in a   was the breathtaking display of tal-
        celebration of education, talent, and   ent by participants, who showcased
        compassion.                       their flair in dance, iconic movie dia-
            Vidya Jyoti, a beacon of hope for   logues, impersonations, ramp walks,
        underprivileged children and youth,   and more, all while adorned in stun-
        showcased its commitment to break-  ning attire reflecting the rich tapestry
        ing the cycle of poverty through ed-  of Indian culture.
        ucational support. Founded in 2021    But the true stars of the night
        by the visionary President Pratibha   were the generous contributors who
        Jairath, Vidya Jyoti has touched the   poured their hearts and wallets into
        lives of over 1,500 children and youth,   Vidya Jyoti’s mission. Through mon-
        guiding them towards a brighter fu-  etary donations, checks, and commit-
        ture filled with opportunities.   ments, they illuminated the path for
            The Gala, a 501(c) 3 not-for-  countless young minds, proving that
        profit  endeavor,  was  a  star-studded   together, we can make dreams come
        affair attended by prominent figures   true.
        like Sunil Shah, Anil Loomba, Pinky   As  the  curtains  closed  on  this
        and Dinesh Thakkar, Ashok Potdar,   unforgettable  evening,  Vidya  Jyo-
        Mayur  Ganger,  Naresh  Shah,  Brij   ti extends heartfelt gratitude to all
        Sharma, Bill Lyon, and Aurora’s   attendees, volunteers, and donors
        very own Alderwoman Shweta Baid.   for their unwavering support. The
        Their presence underscored the un-  journey towards education, empow-
        wavering  support  for  Vidya  Jyoti’s   erment, and self-reliance continues,
        noble cause.                      fueled by the spirit of unity and com-
            Anita  Beri,  Vice-President  &   passion.
        Treasurer  of  Vidya  Jyoti,  set  the   --Asian Media USA

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