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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

                       MARKHAM TALENT CALLS OUT


        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            of budding talent,” says Councillor
                                                                                                              Amanda Yeung Collucci.   “Numer-
        Toronto, ON
                                                                                                              ous contestants were signed by pro-
              he Markham Talent Open                                                                          fessional talent managers, leading to
              Casting Call is back again for                                                                  lucrative opportunities in commer-
        Ta second year in partnership                                                                         cials, prints, TV, and film. Addition-
        with the Markham Arts Council.  All                                                                   ally, several participants launched
        performing artists including singers,                                                                 their own singles, further showcasing
        songwriters, musicians, dancers, ac-                                                                  the diverse range of talent discovered
        tors,  models  and  other  entertainers                                                               through this event. As a premier plat-
        are invited to submit their talent to                                                                 form for aspiring artists, the Markham
        compete in the 2024 Markham Talent                                                                    Talent Open Casting Call continues to
        Open Casting Call open to all artists                                                                 serve as a vital conduit for connecting
        who live, study or work in Ontario.                                                                   emerging talent with industry profes-
            Competitions will be held in two                                                                  sionals, fostering growth and innova-
        groups: Age 16 & Under and Age 17                                                                     tion in the entertainment sector.”
        & Over. The deadline for submission                                                                       The impressive list of judges in-
        of 60 second performance tapes is                                                                     cludes an exemplary judging panel
        Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5 pm.   The                                                                 that includes  Juno  Board Member
        semi-finals  will  be  held  in  June  and                                                            Aideen O Brien; Juno Awards Nom-
        the finals in September.                                                                              inee Robert Laidlaw; Talent manager
            Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti                                                                     Patricia Jarosz; Talent Manager and
        is the Honorary Chair for this event                                                                  Model Agent Cynthia Cully / Televi-
        which is co-chaired by Markham Ward                                                                   sion/Film Casting Director Colleen
        6 Councillor and Executive Producer                                                                   Rush; Casting Director Sarah Sheps
        of Open Casting Call and Showcase                                                                     /Youth Judges Anthony Collucci and
        Amanda  Yeung Collucci,  Markham                                                                      Maya Gamzu amongst many others.
        Arts Council Chair Stephen Chait                                                                          “Markham Talent is providing a
        and Markham Arts Council Execu-                                                                       platform for emerging artists to gain
        tive Director Shruti Ganapathy.                                                                       exposure and recognition for their
            “We are dedicated to celebrating                                                                  craft, says Stephen Chait, Chair of
        the diverse talent that Ontario has to                                                                the Markham Arts Council.  “Wheth-
        offer,” says Markham Mayor Frank                                                                      er you’re a seasoned performer or a
        Scarpitti, Honorary Chair.  “We                                                                       newcomer to the scene, this is an op-
        believe that every artist deserves a                                                                  portunity not to be missed”.
        chance to be seen and heard, and the                                                                      Contestants  can  go  to  www.
        city of Markham is excited to provide   commercials as well as acting and mu-  missions who will then compete for to complete the
        a platform for performers to show-  sic assignments.  This year also, a pan-  the finals.  The finalists will be award-  online form and upload their videos.
        case their skills.”               el of renowned judges, including Mu-  ed cash and other prizes.     Tickets to view the semi-finals and fi-
            Last year’s massive success sig-  sic directors, talent agencies, casting   “The 2023 Markham Talent   nals are $25 and all proceeds will help
        naled a boost for contestants, many of   directors and industry experts, will be   Open Casting Call exceeded all ex-  Markham Arts Council drive econom-
        whom were signed by casting agents   on hand to select semi-finalists from   pectations, marking a resounding suc-  ic growth in arts, culture, and tourism
        and others and booked a number of   each category from the audition sub-  cess in the discovery and promotion   sectors within the City of Markham.

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