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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

         Federation of Indian Associations of Chicago celebrates

            Holi, – Festival of Colors, with fervor and enthusiasm

        NILABH DUBEY                                                                                          was the actual playing of colors, which
                                                                                                              was done outside in the open. On the
        Chicago, IL
                                                                                                              way, as we moved from indoors to out-
              he Federation  of  Indian  As-                                                                  doors, Vandana Jhingan, representing
              sociations (FIA) Chicago, a                                                                     the press and media in Chicagoland,
        T501(c)(3) organization, hosted                                                                       interviewed CG Somnath Ghosh and
        a spectacular, vibrant, and colorful                                                                  Founder Chairman Sunil Shah for
        Holi celebration marked by a beau-                                                                    the TV News segment. CG Somnath
        tifully decorated stage and premises                                                                  Ghosh spoke eloquently to the press
        filled  with  music,  dance,  Thandai  (a                                                             about how FIA is at the forefront of
        special India drink), delicious food,                                                                 bringing Indian culture to the USA.
        and singing that depicted glorious                                                                         The surprises did not end here.
        Indian culture at the Mall of India,                                                                  Anu Malhotra (Executive Vice Pres-
        Naperville, Illinois, on Sunday, April                                                                ident) prepared Thandai (a special
        21, 2024.                                                                                             milk and dry fruit-based drink) for all
            The grand event kicked off with                                                                   the folks who joined the Holi. Dinesh
        an ensemble by Maharashtra Mandal                                                                     Kapoor, Anu Khetarpal, Smitesh
        called ‘Dhol Tasha’. This rhythm got                                                                  Shah, and Hemendra Shah ensured
        the entire crowd, including the mall                                                                  everyone got the Indian snacks and
        visitors, to join in the fun and dance                                                                a special Holi T-shirt before the folks
        together. The mayor of Naperville,   and the contributions of the Indian   special Holi songs. We had great per-  went out to play Holi. The impecca-
        Scott Wehrli, joined in the traditional   diaspora in building Naperville into a   formances from many dance schools:   ble stage and the outside set-up were
        dance and learned a few steps. This   great city.                   Prerna, Kabita, Trusha (Pika Munshi),   done by Neelam Jai. Suresh Bodiwala
        was followed by the emcees Nilabh     CG Somnath Ghosh spoke about   Bollywood Beatz (Anita Rotiwar),   from Asian Media ensured each mem-
        Dubey (Secretary-General) and San-  how the Indian dispora brings vi-  and Suhani Dance Academy (Falguni   ory was well captured on his camera.
        skriti Sharma taking over the pro-  brancy and economic development   Rana). The surprise was an amazing   The color play of Holi kicked
        gram by inviting FIA Chairman and   to wherever they live. He also spoke   dance performance by our very own   off with Sunil Shah, Pratibha Jairath,
        Founder, Sunil Shah, President Prat-  about the world’s great democra-  FIA directors,  Falguni Rana,  Dolly   Vinita Gulabani, and Sudhir Agraw-
        ibha Jairath, and Past President Vin-  cy, starting the election for the new   Bansal, Sonika Khandelwal, Sanskriti   al blasting the colors 25 feet up in the
        ita Gulabani on the stage. Chairman   government, where 1.4 billion peo-  Sharma, and Falguni Sukhadia. This   air. DJ and the Dhol team revved up
        and Founder Sunil Shah welcomed on   ple will decide their representatives.   was followed by amazing Garbha sing-  the spirits with their music, and thanks
        the stage the Chief Guest for the day,   The transition of applying colors to   ing by Jigna Pathak and Jitendra Bul-  to Pratibha Jairath for sponsoring the
        Consulate General of India, Somnath   the forehead was done by Chairman   sara. All the dignitaries could not re-  colors, which were free for all the 600
        Ghosh. This was followed by welcom-  Sunil Shah and Pratibha Jairath to all   sist themselves from joining the dance   people who joined the sweet celebra-
        ing  the  Mayor  of  Naperville,  Scott   the  dignitaries.  Specially  made  Holi   when the Garbha team sang ‘Dholida   tions. It was such a colorful moment;
        Wehrli,  State  Representative  Mi-  T-shirts were gifted to all the dignitar-  Pankhida’ hit songs and hundreds of   amidst the chaos of colors, there were
        chelle Mussman, Mayor of Oakbrook,   ies. Thanks to our sponsors, Ghoman   people from the audience jumped   countless moments of joy and cama-
        Larry Herman, and the Alderwoman   Group (Mariott) and Naresh Shah   in. The culturals were brought to an   raderie. FIA thanks and truly appreci-
        of Aurora, Shweta Baid. On the stage,   (Rely Care Services).       end by another surprise, when Richa   ates all its attendees, esteemed guests,
        the dignitaries were joined by Advi-  This was followed by the cultur-  Chand and Nilabh Dubey called on   sponsors, supporters, and media part-
        sory Board members Pinky Thakkar,   al program. The mic was handed to   stage Chairman Sunil Shah and Ex-  ners for their unwavering support and
        Sushma Bhanot, and Dr. Bhupinder   Richa Chand, the emcee for the en-  ecutive Director Rita Shah to sing a   trust in FIA. The question remained
        Beri. Scott Wehrli spoke about why   tertainment segment. Culturals were   foot-tapping duet. The dancing con-  in everyone’s mind: ‘What next from
        Naperville gets constantly ranked as   kicked off by Jitendra Bulasara and   tinued with greater fervor and full josh.  FIA, Chicago!!’
        the number one city to live in the USA   Shaila Khedkar, signing patriotic and   The last segment of the program   Photographs by: Asian Media USA

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