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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 22

        the population, your contribution in
        the economy of over 6%.”
            “To the USA, we send brilliance
        and intelligence of the highest num-
        ber of foreign students creating for-
        midable future,” Dr. Jeph added.
            Dr. Jeph complimented GO-
        PIO’s initiatives to network and help
        new students from India and said that
        the Consulate would continue to co-
        operate in this effort.
               The inaugural session started
        with a welcome by Convention Con-
        vener Prakash Shah, who also serves
        as GOPIO’s Global Ambassador.
        GOPIO President Lal Motwani said
        that since the new team was elected
        last year, the organization has been
        brought with more activities and re-
        starting its newsletter GOPIO News.
            GOPIO Chairman in his  re-
        marks said that since its inception in
        1989, GOPIO had taken up issues of
        civil rights and human rights viola-
        tions of the Indian Diaspora around
        the world and that Indian Diaspora   Recognition to media for their services to community and GOPIO. From l. to r. Dr. Thomas Abraham, Prakash Shah, Rajeev Bhambri of New
        communities have achieved political
        mainstream in many of the countrie   India Abroad, Ambassador Samuel Hinds, Deputy Consul General Dr. Varun Jeph, Sunil Tristar of Pravasi Channel and India Life, Lal Motwani,
        with signficant Diaspora population.                    George Joseph of emalayalee, and Sunil Hali of The Indian Eye and Radio Zindagi
            Dr. Abraham said, “The 35 mil-
        lion strong Indian Diaspora commu-
        nity is the fastest growing Diaspora
        community worldwide spread into
        180 countries and we are remitting
        over $100 billion dollars every year
        which has helped India to reach a for-
        eign reserve of over $650 billion and
        this flow will continue in the same lev-
        el or more in the near future.”
            There were nine conference ses-
        sions on Saturday, Aprill 27th at the
        convention which included how Indi-
        an Diaspora can participate in India’s
        big manifest as well as some on the
        Diaspora life and social segments.
            The  first  session  on  “GOPIO
        Chamber of Commerce and Industry
        and the Worldwide Networking of the
        Diaspora Businesses,” was chaired by
        Convener Prakash Shah, who is also
        President First Growth Mortgage
        and Realty LLC. Speakers were Dr
        Vithal  Dhaduk,  who  developed  and
        sold Pharma Companies; Braj Aggar-
        wal, President, Braj Aggarwal CPA                             GOPIO General Body Delegates with Edison Mayor Sam Joshi
        PC, New York; Sunil Hali, Chairman,
        Radio  Zindagi,  Indian  Eye,  NDTV   Beena Kothari and Suman Kapoor of   signed to accomplish and accelerate   Indians waiting for permanent resi-
        USA, New Jersey; Hotel & Realty   New Zealand, represented the diver-  the Diaspora Participation in India’s   dence in the USA.
        Veteran  Bhavik  Shah  and  Falguni   sity in membership across GOPIO.     high growth in its ‘Suvarna Kaal’.   Edison Town Mayor Sam Joshi,
        Pandya of Namaste Global.         Guided and mentored by the panel   These resolution to Govt. of India in-  since he was out of town, joined the
            During the Women’s Panel ses-  Chair and Facilitator J. Nami Kaur   clude to grant full dual nationality to   convention at its concluding GOPIO
        sion titled “Diaspora Women Mak-  who is GOPIO’s International Co-  OCI card holders, make OCI at par   General Body session and offered
        ing A Difference”, GOPIO women    ordinator-at-Large, they presented   with Indian citizens in doing business   all his help for GOPIO to move for-
        shared their personal stories of contri-  their vision for Diaspora engagement   in India and provide Aadhar Card   ward in Edison and nearby areas.
        butions to their adopted homelands.     in India’s Manifest Future.  to NRIs who are citizens of India. A   GOPIO in turn told the Mayor Joshi
        Rooted  in  Motherland  India,  five   The GOPIO General Body       fourth resolution urged Biden Ad-  that it would initiate some programs
        women, namely Soruba Rani Kuus-   meeting on April 28th passed import-  ministration and US Congress to pass   for needy including supporting soup
        to, Dr. Vimal Goyle, Dr. Rini Johar,   ant resolutions, many of which are de-  legislation to eliminate the backlog of   kitchens in Edison.

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