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North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                                   MAY 10, 2024

                        NYC MAYOR ADAMS ANNOUNCES



        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            of Criminal Justice (MOCJ) Direc-
                                                                                                              tor Deanna Logan. “This curricu-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              lum ensures our students receive
               ew York City Mayor Eric                                                                        that additional comprehensive ed-
              Adams has announced the                                                                         ucation. We appreciate Mayor Ad-
        Nrelease  of  ‘Teaching  About                                                                        ams’ leadership and support in the
        Hate Crimes and their Impacts,’ a                                                                     positive engagement of the young-
        series of hate crimes lessons de-                                                                     est New Yorkers to promote learn-
        signed to teach students in New                                                                       ing and understanding as essential
        York City public schools about                                                                        resources for public safety.”
        hate crimes and bias incidents, as                                                                       “With  bigotry  and  hate on  the
        well as their impact on individuals                                                                   rise across the globe, including right
        and communities. As hate crimes                                                                       here in our own community, it is
        continue to rise around the nation,                                                                   more important than ever that we
        with a particular influence on young                                                                  give teachers and students the tools
        people,  the  New  York  City  Office                                                                 to  discuss  these  difficult  topics  in
        for the Prevention of Hate Crimes                                                                     a thoughtful way,” said Pam Haas,
        (OPHC), with support from the                                                                         executive director, Facing History
        New York City Department of Ed-                                                                       & Ourselves. “Our experience with
        ucation (DOE), partnered with Fac-                                                                    developing curriculum to combat
        ing History & Ourselves to develop                                                                    bigotry and hate for nearly 50 years
        the curriculum and provide training   greatest city in the world because of   and their Impacts’ is one of the   has shown that as students develop
        for educators.                    our extensive diversity. This curricu-  OPHC’ initiatives that combats   their knowledge and understanding,
           ‘Teaching About Hate Crimes    lum builds on our ‘Breaking Bread,  hate, bias, and discrimination. In   they exhibit greater empathy and
        and  their  Impacts’  includes  five   Building Bonds’ initiative and will   early 2023, Mayor Adams launched   choose to stand up.”
        lessons that empower educators to   help ensure that our school children  ‘Breaking Bread,  Building Bonds,’   As part of the MOCJ, the
        enrich students’ understanding of   are part of the solution to stamp out   which aimed to bring 10,000 New   OPHC takes a holistic approach to
        diversity, sharpen critical thinking   hate wherever it rears its ugly head.”  Yorkers together to learn about   preventing hate crimes, developing
        skills, and foster a culture of in-   The lessons are available to stu-  common bonds, share cultures and   and coordinating community-driv-
        creased civic engagement — all of   dents in grades 6-12 and are offered   traditions, and break down silos. In   en prevention strategies to address
        which are crucial skills for instilling   as a virtual resource to the public   only 11 months, ‘Breaking Bread,  biases fueling such crimes, and fos-
        social responsibility. Students will   on the OPHC and Facing History &   Building Bonds’ surpassed the goal   tering healing for victims and their
        learn to identify motives and behav-  Ourselves’ websites.          of bringing 10,000 New Yorkers to-  communities.
        iors that cause hate crimes, examine   Facing History & Ourselves has   gether with the support of the May-  Facing History & Ourselves
        the impacts of current hate crime   trained DOE’s educators  on the   or’s  Community Affairs Unit, the   uses the lessons of history to chal-
        trends on communities, and design   hate crime curriculum with more   New York City Commission on Hu-  lenge teachers and their students to
        initiatives  that  promote inclusion   training opportunities forthcoming   man Rights, the New York City De-  stand up to bigotry and hate. Fac-
        and collective action.            over the next year.               partment of Youth and Community   ing History & Ourselves’ classroom
           “Our children are at a breaking    The city legislatively mandates   Development, and others.      resources and professional devel-
        point, and investing in programming   the OPHC to produce a hate crime   “Hate has no home in our     opment offerings examine racism,
        that fosters a greater understand-  curriculum for schools. ‘Teaching   schools, and we are proud to partner   antisemitism, and prejudice at piv-
        ing of diversity and the importance   About Hate Crimes and their Im-  with the OPHC in the fight against   otal moments in history and helps
        of inclusion is an important way to   pacts’  satisfies  that  mandate  and   bigotry,” said DOE Chancellor   students learn about the impact of
        dam one of the many rivers that   reaffirms  the  Adams  administra-  David C. Banks. “We are educat-  choices made in the past and con-
        feeds the sea of hate,” said Mayor   tion’s commitment to combat the   ing our youth about the dangers of   nect them to the choices they will
        Adams. “Despite the uptick in hate   rising number of hate crimes across   hate both to meet this challenging   confront in their own lives. Facing
        crimes we are seeing across the city   the five boroughs. Facing History &   moment in our world and to build a   History & Ourselves believes under-
        and nation — whether it be against   Ourselves will regularly reexamine   brighter future for us all.”  standing shared history and how it
        someone’s religion, culture, gender,  these lessons with the OPHC to of-  “Cross-cultural literacy is essen-  informs attitudes and behaviors al-
        sexual orientation, or anything else   fer updates and keep them current.  tial to counteract hate and reduce   lows participants to choose a world
        — we know that New York City is the   ‘Teaching About Hate Crimes   bias incidents,” said Mayor’s Office   of equity and justice.

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