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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 20



        OUR BUREAU
        Stamford, CT

              he Global Organization of People of Indian
              Origin (GOPIO) celebrated its 35  Anniver-
        Tsary on April 26-28, 2024 at its Convention
        2024 at Royal Albert Palace, Fords, New Jersey,
        USA. The convention focused on India’s Present
        and the Future and what role the Diaspora Indians
        can play in helping to realize this desirable future
        with a theme, ‘Opportunities for Diaspora Indians
        in India’s Big Manifest Future.’  The convention
        ended with General Body passing four resolutions
        including one demanding full dual nationality for
        Overseas Indian Citizens (OCI) card holders.

        The convention was inaugurated with a lamp
        lighting ceremony on April 26th followed by
        a universal prayer song by GOPIO-Edison

        President Pallavi  Belwariar and  an  invo-
        cation dance in Kathak style by Mitali Nir-            GOPIO Convention 2024 being inaugurated with lighting of the lamp by Ambassador Samuel Hinds,
                                                                             Deputy Consul General Dr. Varun Jeph and GOPIO Officials
        gude-Kaganeb. The chief guest was Guyana
        Ambassador to the USA, His Excellency

        Samuel Hinds, who earlier had served as the
        Prime Minister and President of Guyana. In-
        dia’s Deputy Consul General in New York Dr.
        Varun Jeph delivered the keynote address.

            New York City Mayor Eric Adams issued a ci-
        tation honoring the Global Organization of People
        of Indian Origin (GOPIO) on the occasion of its
        convention and for its contribution to improve life
        in New York city. The proclamation was presented
        by Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs
        Dilip Chauhan who complimented GOPIO for its
        outstanding work for the benefit of the Indian Di-
        aspora worldwide.
            Ambassador Hinds fondly shared Guyana’s
        close relation with India and GOPIO, especially
        since the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan attended the first
        GOPIO Convention in New York and later inaugu-
        rated Second Global Convention held in New Del-
        hi in 1992 as President of Guyana. Again in 1999,
        Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo inaugurated
        GOPIO Convention in New York.
            Ambassador Hinds said, “President Jagan had
        high regard for GOPIO and was always seeking to   New York City Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan presenting citation from Mayor Eric Adams. From l. to r.: Convener
        support GOPIO.”  Dr. Jagan played a significant   Prakash Shah, Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chauhan, Ambassador Samuel Hinds and President Lal Motwani
        role in Guyana’s progress. “With oil discovery, Guy-
        ana will prosper rapidly,” Ambassador Hinds added.
            In his keynote address, Dr. Jeph articulated  economy.                                    Dr. Jeph said, “Indian Americans are playing
        the tremendous progress India has made in many   Dr. Jeph provided India’s growth, success and  pivotal role in the US economy with start ups and
        arenas and currently being the 5th largest economy  potentials with amazing statistics and said that In-  other business ventures, while being just over 1% of
        of the world and will soon become the third largest  dia with 65% of youth has bright prospects.             Continued on next page... >>

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