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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 22

                           Meet rohun reddy, the winner of

          aBa annual First amendment and Media Law

                           diversity Moot Court Competition

        OuR BuREAu
                                                                                                              Wong McMillian, Georgia Supreme
        Chicago                                                                                               Court; and Judge L. Felipe Restrepo,
                                                                                                              Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
              ohun Reddy, a 2L JD-MBA                                                                            “This  award  means  a  lot  to  me
              student at Northwestern Pritz-
        Rker School of Law / Kellogg                                                                          because it is proof that the experts
                                                                                                              in the field have recognized the hard
        School of Management and the son of                                                                   work that Rohun and I put into un-
        Leela and Dr. Suresh Reddy, former                                                                    derstanding the complex sphere of
        President of American Association of                                                                  First Amendment and media law and
        Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)                                                                    structuring our legal arguments in a
        won the Best Brief overall in the com-                                                                persuasive manner,” Choi said. “I am
        petition, one of the top three prizes of                                                              also interested in eventually pursuing
        the day at the American Bar Associa-                                                                  a career in media and entertainment
        tion’s 14th Annual First Amendment                                                                    law, so this unique moot court experi-
        and Media Law Diversity Moot Court                                                                    ence was an important stepping stone
        Competition.                                                                                          towards my long-term aspirations as
            Rohun, whose interest has been
        about the intersection of technology,                                                                 an attorney.”
                                                                                                                  Summarizing the experiences
        media, and law won the prize along                                                                    of the efforts, collaboration and the
        with the  co-participant,  Michael                                                                    success, Rohun exclaimed: “I learned
        Choi (JD-MBA ’23) at Northwestern                                                                     so much from my mentor-coach, the
        Pritzker School of Law.” “The ABA                                                                     other  competitors,  and  our highly
        First Amendment and Media Law                                                                         accomplished judges, and I am so
        moot court provided me an opportu-                                                                    grateful for the connections I made
        nity to hone my advocacy skills in an                                                                 throughout the process. [It] has defi-
        area of law that I am deeply passion-                                                                 nitely been one of my favorite law
        ate about,” Rohun said after winning                                                                  school experiences!”
        the competitive award. “I believe that
        our brief has been so strong because
        of the natural passion that Michael  tainment, and spent several years as
        and I have for First Amendment law  a technology and media consultant
        and the mentorship that our coach,  at Activate Consulting in New York.
        Leita Walker, provided us through  Rohun holds a B.F.A. in Film/Tele-
        each step of the process.”        vision from New York University’s
            Expressing grateful “for the un-  Tisch School of the Arts.”
        wavering support that my parents      The  annual  competition  at
        have provided me not just in this  Northwestern was designed primari-
        competition but throughout my ac-  ly to introduce minority law students
        ademic career,” Rohun said, “I ap-  to the practice of media law and to
        preciate that competitions such as  lawyers active in the communications
        this one is available to help introduce  law bar. The competition offered
        other students from underrepresent-  cash prizes for superior performance
        ed backgrounds in law to careers in  in  appellate  briefing  and  oral  argu-
        First Amendment and media law.”   ment. The hypothetical case at the
            At law school, Rohun serves as  center of the competition involved
        Co-President of the Arts and En-  timely issues of national significance
        tertainment Law Society and  is an  in the areas affecting communica-
        editor on the Journal of Technology  tions law. Briefs were judged blindly
        and Intellectual Property. Rohun  by a panel of experienced media-law
        spent his 1L summer externing for  practitioners. Choi and Reddy wrote
        the Honorable David O. Carter of  the highest-scoring brief and each
        the Central District of California  team member received $1,000.
        and will be spending his 2L summer    Held via video conference, the
        at Paul, Weiss in New York. Before  Moot  Court  finals  were  conducted
        law school, Rohun interned at sev-  by three distinguished jurists: Judge
        eral entertainment companies, such  Kim McLane Wardlaw, Ninth Circuit
        as Viacom and FilmNation Enter-   U.S. Court of Appeals; Justice Carla

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