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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 18

           GopIo-Edison Launches India Collection of

                        Books at The Edison public Library

           Indian Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal was the chief guest along with

                                 Consul for Community Affairs A.K. Vijayakrishnan

        OuR BuREAu                        media and a large number of com-  successfully launched India Collec-  ity of rare Indian books.
                                          munity leaders and Indian American   tion of books at the Norwalk, CT and   GOPIO Vice President Ram
        Edison, NJ
                                          residents from Edison and nearby   Stamford, CT libraries.          Gadhvi, who is also chairman of the
              he Edison Library in partner-  towns attended the event to show   “Edison and nearby towns in   Gujarati Literary Academy, contrib-
              ship with the Indian Consulate   their support to this initiative by GO-  New Jersey have one of the largest   uted over 60 Gujarati books in this
        Tand Global Organization of       PIO-Edison.                       concentration of Indian Americans   initiative said that the libraries would
        People of Indian origin Edison NJ     After a prayer song by GO-    and to serve our community mem-   not be outdated in spite of digitaliza-
        Chapter (GOPIO-Edison) hosted     PIO-Edison  President  Pallavi  Bel-  bers as  well  as to  make a better   tion and that many new Indian im-
        the “India Collection Launch” event   wariar, a moment of silence was ob-  understanding of India  to the lo-  migrants feel comfortable reading a
        to donate a large collection of Indi-  served for the victims of Russia’s war   cal population, GOPIO has joined   hard copy of the book.
        an books to be made available thru   in Ukraine and for the passing away   hands with Govt. of India through   the Newly  reorganized GO-
        the Public Libraries in the Middlesex   of GOPIO-Life  Member and com-  its Consulate in New York to launch   PIO-Edison  President  Pallavi  Bel-
        County.  There  were  more  than 200   munity leader Yash Paul Soi early   India Collection of Books at Edison   wariar spoke on chapter’s plans to
        books  donated  during  the  initiative   this month.               Public Library with several hundreds   organize  many community  service
        to the Library by the organizers and   Library Director Allan Kleiman   of books including several classics   programs in Edison and nearby areas
        many supporting Organizations like   said he was very excited by this col-  and Indian language books in Hindi,   including supporting and volunteer-
        Gujarati Literary Academy of North   lection and told that these books can   Urdu, Gujarati, Assamese and other   ing at soup kitchens, youth programs
        America, Gandhian Society, Indo   be issued to anyone in the Middlesex   languages,” Said Dr. Abraham.  and welcoming new Indian students
        American Cultural Society of USA,   County. He then introduced Library   Speaking on the occasion, Con-  to join the nearby Rutgers University.
        Assam Sahitya Sabha and Zakir Hu-  President Patricia Massey who wel-  sul General Randhir Jaiswal spoke on   One of the main Organizer of
        sain Circle. The grand sponsor of the   comed availability of classic India   the vibrant library system in Ameri-  the event, Pradeep “Peter” Kothari,
        program was Sabinsa Corporation, a   related books and Indian language   ca that helps spread knowledge and   a veteran community leader who had
        food supplement company located in   books from the library.        make it a developed country. He said   organized the Oak Tree Indian busi-
        East Windsor with operations in India.  GOPIO International Chairman   that American Indian partnership is   nesses and serve as the Founder and
            Indian Consul General Randhir   Dr. Thomas Abraham who initiated   crucial for world peace and security   President of Indo American Cultural
        Kumar Jaiswal was the chief guest   this effort told the audience that In-  and lauded the efforts of Diaspora in   society of USA, recognized the work
        along with Consul for Community   dian Americans have done extreme-  getting this initiative to Edison. He   by many Indian American leaders
        Affairs A.K. Vijayakrishnan. Many   ly well professionally, politically   said that the libraries in USA are the   and thanked the town council mem-
        prominent Indian American commu-  and financially, and that community   best in the world and making the In-  bers for attending. He said someone
        nity leaders, elected council mem-  should do more for the larger society.   dian Books available thru this system   should write a book on how the com-
        bers from Edison and nearby cities,   In this regards, GOPIO-CT chapter   will help Diaspora with the availabil-  Continued at next page... >>

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