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North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                  APRIL 22, 2022

                             Indian Foreign Minister in new York

                   S Jaishankar meets UN chief, discusses

         Afghanistan, global impact of Ukraine conflict

              UN Chief expressed his interest in working with India ‘to effectively address

                                              important contemporary challenges

        OuR BuREAu                                                                                            Rajnath  Singh  and  US  Secretary  of
                                                                                                              State Antony Blinken and Secretary of
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              Defence Lloyd Austin held on April 11
              xternal Affairs Minister Dr S                                                                   in Washington, the two sides called on
              Jaishankar held a “wide-rang-                                                                   the Taliban adhere to the UNSC Res-
        Eing discussion” with UN Sec-                                                                         olution 2593 (2021) that demands that
        retary-General  Antonio  Guterres  in                                                                 Afghan territory must never again be
        New York on Friday (local time) and                                                                   used to threaten or attack any country
        exchanged views on the global impact                                                                  or shelter or train terrorists or plan or
        of the Ukraine conflict as well as the sit-                                                           finance terrorist attacks.
        uation in Afghanistan and Myanmar.                                                                        The Taliban seized power in Af-
            UN Chief expressed his interest                                                                   ghanistan on August 15, two weeks
        in  working  with  India  ‘to  effective-                                                             before the US’ complete troop with-
        ly address important contemporary                                                                     drawal on August 31.
        challenges’. They also discussed the                                                                      Jaishankar on Tuesday praised
        situation in Ukraine, Afghanistan and                                                                 the US for helping India during the
        Myanmar. Taking to Twitter, Jaishan-                                                                  second wave of the COVID-19 pan-
        kar wrote, “Spoke about latest devel-                                                                 demic.
        opments in respect of Afghanistan                                                                         During an interaction with stu-
        and Myanmar. Appreciate his interest                                                                  dents of Howard University in Wash-
        in working with India to effectively                                                                  ington, Jaishankar recalled how the
        address important contemporary chal-                                                                  COVID experience has been enor-
        lenges.                                                                                               mously stressful for all the countries.
            The two leaders held wide-rang-                                                                       “If there was a silver lining to it,
        ing discussions and exchanged views                                                                   it also showed what friendships and
        on the global impact of the Ukraine                                                                   relationships across the world could
        conflict, especially on food and energy                                                               do...We have three vaccines in India,
        security.                                                                                             that we’re producing, which are a di-
            Jaishankar    tweeted,   “A                                                                       rect outcome of our relationship with
        wide-ranging discussion with UNSG                                                                     the US,” he said.
        @antonioguterres. Exchanged views                                                                         “On the Indian side, our 2020
        on the global impact of the Ukraine                                                                   National Educational Policy prior-
        conflict, especially on food and energy                                                               itizes international cooperation in
        security. Implications for developing   S Jaishankar during a conversation with Howard university students, faculty and leadership as   education,” said Jaishankar. “On
        countries are serious.”                         part of the uS-India Higher Education Discussion (ANI)  the American end, we recognize the
            Moreover, they also spoke about                                                                   renewed focus on the STEM sector,
        the latest developments in respect of   fence Minister Rajnath Singh were in   India  and the US  on  Monday   including in activities like the Quad.
        Afghanistan and Myanmar. Jaishan-  Washington for the 2+2 Ministerial   called on the Taliban to abide by the   My colleague, Education Minister
        kar appreciated the interest of the   Dialogue with their US counterparts   United Nations Security Council   Dharmendra Pradhan is looking for-
        UN chief in working with India “to   Secretary  of  State  Antony  Blinken   (UNSC) resolution to ensure that the   ward to engaging more intensively
        effectively address important contem-  and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J.   Afghan territory does not become   in developing this important facet of
        porary challenges.”               Austin III.                       a breeding ground for terrorists to   our relationship,” he added.
            India’s Permanent Represen-       Jaishankar took part in the fourth   launch attacks against any country.  This event was seen as an oppor-
        tative to the United Nations TS   US-India 2+2 Dialogue. He also held   In a joint statement issued on the   tunity to build off the announcement
        Tirumurti received External Affairs   talks  with  US  Commerce  Secretary   India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue   during the 2+2 Ministerial of the
        Minister  S  Jaishankar in  New York   Gina Raimondo and US Trade Repre-  between External Affairs Minister Dr   formation of a ‘Working Group on
        on  Wednesday.  Jaishankar  and De-  sentative Katherine Tai in Washington.  S Jaishankar and Defence Minister   Education and Skill Training.’

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