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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 19

        munity evolved over the period of 35
        years and said he was happy to see
        the  community  at  a  comfort  zone
        at present. Kothari then introduced
        members  of  Edison  Council  and
        nearby towns.
            Edison Town Council Vice Pres-
        ident Joyce  Ship-Freeman  compli-
        mented the Indian Consulate, GO-
        PIO-Edison and the library for this
        new initiative. Retired as a literary
        coach, Councilwoman Ship-Freeman
        has said that library is her second
        home and that books are still an im-
        portant medium of knowledge.
            Edison Councilman Ajay Patil
        said that he had been wanting this for
        the last 4 years and thanked everyone
        involved in getting this initiative to its
        fruition. Piscataway Councilman Ka-
        pil Shah said that he had been doing
        community work  for  31 years and
        said  that  he  was  first  to  take  grant
        from NJ state for video and books for   that there was nothing more pious   vote of thanks and thanked Council   Sahitya  Sabha  and  Zakir  Husain
        the local library couple of years back.   than knowledge. He lauded the   General, councilman and all digni-  Circle donated 110 books. It was a
        He said that books were still the au-  community  on  the initiative  to  do-  taries who attended. He thanked   full house of about 120 people at-
        thentic source for knowledge.     nate a huge collection of books and   the Edison library staff for helping   tending the event. The registrations
            Dr. Sudhir Parikh, a recipient of   make them available to the Public in   support this great initiative. He also   were closed a day earlier due to lim-
        Govt. of India’s Padma Shri award,   Edison and East Coast.         thanked the media and sponsors for   itation of space.
        recognized the legends of the com-    The ceremony was followed by   the event. The program was con-      GOPIO is collecting old Indi-
        munity. He said that education is   a  Holi celebration with a musical   cluded by Library’s Assistant Direc-  an classic books and contemporary
        the best charitable activity that one   program by singer Pallavi Belwariar   tor Debra Sarr and invited everyone   books in all Indian languages from
        can give to anyone. He also said that   and Yogesh who entertained the   for a networking dinner.     the community to donate to other
        he ensured that his newspaper is dis-  audience with Holi themed Hindi   The Consulate provided 140   libraries.
        tributed across all libraries in NJ.   songs.                       books while the community organi-     Those who want to donate may
            Federation of Indian Associ-      GOPIO-Edison team member      zations including GOPIO, Gujarati   contact GOPIO at 203-329-8010 or
        ation President Kenny Desai said   Chitranjan Sahai Belwariar gave   Literary Academy, TV Asia, Assam   send an e-mail to [email protected]

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