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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 26

             ‘Chai with Manju’ Celebrates

                                       10th anniversary

             The show is created and hosted by Dr. Manju Sheth, MD, a physician at Beth

                                            Israel Lahey Health and Atrius Health

        OuR BuREAu                                                          late Dr. Manju Sheth on their 10th  produced by Upendra Mishra, pub-
                                                                            anniversary of Chai with Manju. Dr.  lisher of INDIA New England News,
                                                                            Manju Sheth has always been very  IndUS Business Journal, Life Sci-
              hai with Manju” a celebri-                                    enthusiastic about presenting per-  ences Times and Boston Real Estate
              ty series of interviews and                                   sonalities/speakers to keep the com-  Times.
        Cfeatures, one of the most                                          munity informed about what is hap-    “I want to extend my gratitude
        watched in the New England region,                                  pening around us in this world”.   to my producer, Upendra Mishra,
        where she featured celebrities and                                      Tuli asked Dr. Sheth to continue  for always having faith in me and to
        spiritual leaders such as Sadhguru,                                 bringing the good stories and keep  all my viewers/readers for their love
        Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Kennedys                                  expanding vFt Chai with Manju has  and welcoming me into their homes
        and the like, is celebrating its 10th                               evolved into a world-class series  through my videos,” said Dr. Sheth.
        anniversary.                                                        during the last 10 years.         “I am so thankful to all the celebri-
            Over the past decade, Dr. Man-                                      Chai with Manju is created and  ties who have let me have a window
        ju Sheth’s popular show, “Chai With  the Chai with Manju team over these  hosted by Dr. Manju Sheth, MD,  into their life with these special in-
        Manju” on digital platforms with ce-  years has done commendable work  a  physician  at Beth Israel Lahey  terviews. We are looking forward to
        lebrity interview series, has become  in bringing to its viewers and readers  Health and Atrius Health, and is  having a big celebration soon.”
        one of the much talked about media  information, reports and opinions so
        features, bringing a wide range of ex-  vital in this age of media on social,
        citing guests.                    business and cultural developments.
            With hundreds of interviews and   “Chai with Manju joins the pan-
        millions of viewers–first in the print  theon of radio/TV programs such
        and later in videos—Chai with Man-  as Larry King Live and Fresh Air
        ju has spotlighted guests from almost  by Terry Gross,” said Brian Pereira,
        every aspect of life: from musicians  President, CEO and Board Member
        and spiritual leaders to academics  of Visterra Inc, and a member of the
        and entrepreneurs and from politi-  Board at American India Founda-
        cians and diplomats to local heroes.  tion, known as AIF.
            A physician by profession, hav-   “Ten years have passed in a blink
        ing a passion for the media and with a  of the eye, and we look forward to
        deep commitment to serve the larger  be educated and entertained for 10
        humanity and with a special focus on  more years.”
        women’s empowerment, Dr. Manju        Desh Deshpande, a philanthro-
        Sheth is a Board Certified Internist,  pist, mentor, a successful serial en-
        currently serving patients at Beth  trepreneur, venture capitalist and
        Israel Lahey the Boston  author of “On Entrepreneurship and
        Region in Massachusetts.          Impact”, urged Dr. Sheth to contin-
            Dr. Sheth wears many hats to her  ue her “excellent work and bring us
        credit. A multi-tasker and with full of  the insights of amazing people in the
        energy, Dr. Sheth says, “If you want  world.”
        to do something in life then you will    “It is a bold step for a doctor
        find a way.” It has not been easy to  to venture into media.  Dr. Manju
        be “a physician, mother, media per-  Sheth jumped in ten years ago and
        sonality, and be involved in our vi-  has brought many in-depth conver-
        brant New England community and  sations with many distinguished indi-
        the media world, but each of my in-  viduals to us,” said Mr. Deshpande.
        volvements is truly important to me,  “I cannot think of a single distin-
        and I give my full heart and energy  guished person who has stepped on
        to each of them. I always remind my-  the Boston soil and have not had
        self, that anything worth having has  Chai with Manju.”
        to be worked for.”                    “Chai with Manju has been a sig-
            As  the  celebrity  show Sushil  nificant  part  of  Indian  Community
        Tuli, founder and CEO of Massachu-  in USA and around the world,” Mr.
        setts-based Leader  Bank,  said  that  Tuli said. “I would like to congratu-

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