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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 30

            AApI, IMA, And Tanvir Foundation Hold HpV

            Vaccination Camp to prevent Cervical Cancer

        OuR BuREAu

              merican Association of Physi-
              cians of Indian Origin (AAPI),
        Ain collaboration with the In-
        dian  Medical  Association  (IMA)
        Telangana and Tanvir Foundation in
        mutual  collaboration administered
        free HPV vaccines to the poor and
        deserving girls and women at the lo-
        cal Tanvir Hospital in Srinagar Col-
        ony, Hyderabad in India on Sunday,
        April 3rd, 2022 with the objective of
        preventing cervical cancer, a leading
        cause of cancer deaths among women
        in India. The second dose campaign
        was inaugurated as part of AAPI’s ef-
        forts to create awareness and provide
        tangible support on this preventable
        illness for young women in India.
            “We at AAPI, in keeping with
        our efforts and initiatives to educate,
        create awareness and provide support
        on disease prevention, AAPI is happy
        to be part of the Cervical Cancer Vac-
        cine Awareness Program,” Dr. An-
        upama  Gotimukula,  President  said.
        “The initial camp was organized on
        January 9th at Tanvir Hospital in Hy-
        derabad as part of APPI’s 15th annu-
        al Global Healthcare Summit (GHS)
        2022 held Avasa in Hyderabad, In-
        dia,” and was inaugurated in person   said Dr. Meher Medavaram, an orga-  Vice President of AAPI said, “Cer-  ing. Cervical cancer is among a num-
        by Dr. Gotimukula and several other   nizer of the program, and the newly   vical cancer could be the first cancer   ber of cancers that can be caused by
        AAPPI leaders. Nearly 100 women   elected Secretary of AAPI. “AAPI’s   EVER in the world to be eliminated,   infections with pathogens – bacteria,
        were  given  the  first  dose.  Howev-  this new initiative through education   if: 90 % of girls are vaccinated; 70%   viruses, and parasites.
        er, Dr. Gotimukula inaugurated the   and awareness programs is aimed at   of women are screened; and, 90% of     “Through Continuing Medical
        Free Vaccination Camp  virtually   helping save millions of lives in In-  women with cervical disease  receive   Education and non-CME seminars
        from the United States on March 3rd.   dia,” she added.             treatment. This is an important step to-  by experts in their fields, AAPI pro-
            The 2nd phase of the free vac-    Usually, cervical cancer develops   wards reaching goal,” she pointed out.   vides comprehensive and current re-
        cination camp was inaugurated with   slowly over time, and another pow-  While elaborating the objectives   views and guidelines for the diagno-
        the lighting of the traditional lamp   erful preventive measure is Pap test   of the Summit, Dr. Satheesh Kathu-  sis and treatment of various disease
        by  IMA’s  Telangana  President  Sam-  screening, a procedure during which   la, the newly elected Vice President   states to reduce morbidity and mor-
        path Rao, IMA North President Ra-  cells are collected from the surface   of AAPI, said, “In addition to Cer-  tality and achieve cost effective quali-
        ghunandan, Secretary Surendranath,   of the cervix and examined. The Pap   vical cancer, GHS 2022 has provid-  ty care outcomes.”
        Dr. Meeta Singh, and Dr. Naunihal   test can both detect cancer at an early   ed education on: Chronic diseases     Once a leading cause of can-
        Singh. AAPI Advisor Dr. Dwara-    stage, when treatment outcomes tend   which can be prevented- notably di-  cer death for women in the United
        kanatha Reddy inaugurated the vac-  to be better, and detect precancer-  abetes, cardiovascular, hypertension,   States. Today, screening and preven-
        cination camp. ““If vaccination pro-  ous abnormalities, which can then be   COPD, oncology, maternal and in-  tion have greatly reduced the impact
        grams are effectively implemented,   treated to prevent them from devel-  fant mortality, lifestyle changes, geri-  of this form of cancer. Increasing
        approximately 90 percent of invasive   oping into cancers.          atrics, management of neurological   screening and prevention are key
        cervical cancer cases worldwide could     Dr. Ravi  Kolli, President-Elect   emergencies,  ENLS,  a  certification   components of the effort to eradi-
        be prevented, in addition to the ma-  of AAPI, said, “Cervical Cancer is   course”.                   cate cervical cancer. Since almost all
        jority of precancerous lesions,” Dr.   preventable through Vaccination and   According to The American   cases of the disease are caused by
        Dwarakanatha Reddy said.          Early Pap smears and cervical exam-  Cancer Society, Cervical Cancer was   human papillomavirus (HPV) infec-
            “In coordination with the local   inations. Justifiably so, one of our pre-  once one of the most common causes   tion, vaccines that protect against the
        organizers, AAPI donated the funds   ventive campaign goals this year has   of cancer death for American wom-  virus could prevent the vast majority
        for the HPV Vaccination, a total of   been to provide education and pre-  en. The cervical cancer death rate   of cases. Moreover, regular Pap tests
        200 doses for the vaccine for 100 chil-  vention of Cervical Cancer in India.”   dropped  significantly  with  the  in-  can catch – and lead to treatment of –
        dren from the state of Telangana,”      Dr. Anjana Samaddar, current   creased use of the Pap test for screen-  the disease at the precancerous stage.

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