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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 25

          Controversial professor sparks outrage with

                                  racist comments on Indians

        OuR BuREAu                                                                                                According to Philadelphia In-
                                                                                                              quirer, the university declined to com-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              ment on her latest remarks, and the
              my Wax, a professor at the                                                                      law school reiterated that her “views
              University of Pennsylvania                                                                      do not reflect our values or practices.”
        ACarey Law School, attacked                                                                               Her remarks not only drew flak
        immigrants for being critical of the                                                                  from people in India but also from her
        US. She claimed during Tucker Carl-                                                                   peers and colleagues. “We are Amer-
        son’s  show  that  “Blacks”  and  other                                                               ica. And we’re committed to disman-
        “non-western” groups harbor “re-                                                                      tling the systems that give your racist,
        sentment, shame, and envy” against                                                                    moronic ideas a platform to spread,”
        western people for their “outsized                                                                    Neil Makhija, another Penn Law
        achievements and contributions.”                                                                      School lecturer, wrote on Twitter.
            Wax, who is also a neurologist,                                                                       Aseem Shukla, a pediatric urolo-
        then went on to attack Indian immi-                                                                   gist and professor at Penn Medicine,
        grants by saying that they were crit-  min  women  from  India)  are  taught   went viral on Twitter garnering over   too joined the conversation. Tagging
        ical of everything in the US while   that they are better than everybody   a million views.           Penn Law, he wrote: “Some of us
        “their own country is a sh**hole”.   else because they are Brahmin elites   While most were annoyed, they   Indian American docs @PennMed-
            Wax criticized Asians and     and yet, on so1zme level, their coun-  added that her remarks don’t come   icine do our part to make America
        South Asians, particularly Indian   try is a sh**hole.” “They’ve realized   as  a  shock  as  she  has  a  history  of   the great healthcare system you de-
        doctors at Penn Medicine, who she   that we’ve outgunned and outclassed   making racist remarks.      scribe. So, yeah, we have the right to
        said: “are on the ramparts for the   them in every way… They feel anger.   In January, she had said the US   criticize it too.”
        antiracism  initiative  for  dump  on   They feel envy. They feel shame… It   is  “better off  with fewer Asians”.   Many wondered if she can be so
        America.”                         creates ingratitude of the most mon-  Penn Law School dean Theodore   comfortable with displaying her bla-
            She also  singled  out  Brah-  strous kind,” the 69-year-old profes-  Ruger at the time had addressed the   tant racism on air, how much Asian
        min women from India. Wax said:   sor said on air.                  controversy, calling Wax’s comments   or Black students who study under
        “Here’s the problem. They (Brah-      Soon, the obnoxious segment   “anti-intellectual” and “racist.”  her must suffer.

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