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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 16, 2021 | The Indian Eye 27
surer; Dr. Kusum Punjabi- Chair, to serve AAPI and regardless greater member participation we is committed to increasing young
Board of Trustees; Dr. Sowmya of the outcome, we need you as will be able to achieve our target. physicians’ knowledge base, en-
Neravetla- President, Young a valuable team member of our The journey has just started and hancing their careers, and em-
Physicians Section; and, Dr. beloved AAPI. We will work there is lot of work to be done. I powering them to play a key
Ayesha Singh, President, Medi- together to promote our values hope to receive your continued role in healthcare advocacy and
cal Student/Residents & Fellows of professionalism, collegiality, support and love “ community service. I will contin-
Section. “AAPI is fortunate to excellence in patient care and Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Secre- ue my dedicated work of several
have more women represen- enhance AAPI’s reputation as tary-Elect of AAPI said, “I would years helping fulfil our mission.”
tation in 2021-22 year and the a premiere professional organi- like to thank all AAPI members In his message, the current
team is excited working towards zation offering educational pro- from the bottom of my heart for Secretary of AAPI, Dr. Amit
strengthening the goals and mis- grams and advocacy.” this honor and assure that I will Chakrabarty said, “I am thankful
sion of AAPI and to visualize Dr. Anajana Samadder, who sincerely work for the better- to my Supporters who gave me
AAPI a healthcare leader in US won the election to be the next ment of our beloved organiza- their precious vote honoring my
and globally and work in the best Vice President of AAPI, said, “I tion, AAPI. Once again, I thank 25 years of service for AAPI. I
interests of our Physicians and am humbled and honored to be everyone for the opportunity to will soon finish my tenure as your
our Communities,” added Dr. bestowed with this responsibility serve.” He expressed gratitude secretary and I take with me all
Gotimukula. and will work to the greatest of to the Election Committee Team, your wishes, and memories. Ev-
While congratulating the my abilities to reach our goals, who “successfully organized this erything is life is a learning op-
newly elected leaders to the Ex- addressing the challenges, and election, for the first time elec- portunity, and I have learned a
ecutive Committee, Dr. Ravi advance the issues important to tronically with great participa- lot from this election. I will take
Kolli, the President-Elect in our members. This win belongs tion from members.” this wisdom with me forever to
2021-22 said here in a statement: to all our members for trusting Dr. Krishan Kumar, the new- the future. I congratulate all the
“I want to congratulate all the our vision of growth & prog- ly elected Treasurer of AAPI winners. I wish Anjana the best
winners of election. I want to ress. Thank you for choosing me said, “I am honored to be elect- of luck as she moves forward
specially thank all the candidates as your representative and with ed as the Treasurer of national with her position.”
for their passion and dedication team work, transparency, and AAPI. As an organization, AAPI
indian government simplifies process for re-issue of oci cards
GOPIO International welcomes the new directives from the government
Our Bureau in India with a number of oth- obtained by the OCI cardhold- zation of People of Indian Or-
New York er major benefits attached to it er, it has been decided that he/ igin (GOPIO International)
which are not available to other she shall upload a copy of the whole heartedly welcomes the
n a decision which is expected foreigners. new passport containing his/her new directives from the govern-
to significantly ease the pro- Presently, the OCI card is re- photo and also a latest photo on ment simplifying the process of
Icess for re-issue of Overseas quired to be re-issued each time the online OCI portal, each time maintaining OCI card. “This
Citizen of India (OCI) cards, the a new passport is issued up to 20 a new passport is issued up to 20 will remove the confusion to
Indian government has decid- years of age and once after com- years of age and once after com- many OCI card holders on the
ed to simplify the process. This pleting 50 years of age, in view pleting 50 years of age. These doc- process of renewing the card at
decision has been taken on the of biological changes in the face uments may be uploaded by the the age of 20 and 50 and one
directions of the Union Home of the applicant. With a view to OCI cardholder within 3 months doesn’t have to go through the
Minister Amit Shah. facilitate the OCI cardholders, of receipt of the new passport. whole OCI card renewal process
The OCI Card has proved to it has now been decided by the However, in the case of those again,” said GOPIO Chairman
be very popular amongst foreign- Government of India to dispense who have been registered as Dr. Thomas Abraham. This will
ers of Indian Origin and spouses with this requirement. A person OCI cardholder as spouse of for- also encourage more overseas
of foreign origin of Indian cit- who has got registration as OCI eign origin of a citizen of India or Indians to become OCIs and it
izens or OCI cardholders, as it cardholder prior to attaining the an OCI cardholder, the person will benefit India, through their
helps them in hassle free entry age of 20 years will have to get concerned will be required to travel, business and investment
and unlimited stay in India. So the OCI card re-issued only once upload on the system, a copy of in India.
far about 37.72 lakh OCI Cards when a new passport is issued af- the new passport containing the “However, GOPIO strongly
have been issued by the Govern- ter his/her completing 20 years photo of the passport holder and urges the government to treat
ment of India. of age, so as to capture his/ her also a latest photo along with a OCI Card holders who have in-
As per the extant law, a for- facial features on attaining adult- declaration that their marriage vested in business and creating
eigner of Indian origin or a for- hood. If a person has obtained is still subsisting each time a new jobs in India at par with Indian
eign spouse of an Indian citizen registration as OCI cardholder passport is issued. These docu- citizens and they shouldn’t be
or foreign spouse of an Overseas after attaining the age of 20 years, ments may be uploaded by the termed as foreign nationals by
Citizen of India (OCI) cardhold- there will be no requirement of OCI cardholder spouse within various Govt. agencies while do-
er, can be registered as an OCI re-issue of OCI card. three months of receipt of his/ ing business including manufac-
cardholder. OCI card is a life- With a view to update the her new passport. turing and research in India,” Dr.
long visa for entry into and stay data regarding new passports USA based Global organi- Abraham added.
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