Page 24 - The Indian EYE 041621
P. 24
NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 16, 2021 | The Indian Eye 24
anti-swastiKa BiLL
community expresses gratitude to
Senators Kaminski and thomas
Jagdish Sewhani and others thank the Senators for “understanding the sentiments of two billion
Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikh” and dropping the New York Bill
Our Bureau the meaning of Swastika,” he
New York said.
Sewhani also thanked the
he American India Public American Jewish Committee
Affairs Committee, in co- for solidly supporting in this
Toperation with various In- fight. He also thanked Jay Ja-
dian organizations and temples, cobs, the State Chairman of
organized an online meeting to Democratic Party for his un-
thank Senators Todd Kamins- wavering support. This battle
ki and Senator Kevin Thomas is not over yet, said Sewhani
for the dropping of the Bill that as “time has come to educate
would have designated the an- masses and political leaders
cient Indian symbol of Swasti- about Hinduism and Swastika.
ka as a hate sign. To achieve this, we will conduct
seminars and conferences once
Jagdish sewhani, in his the Covid situation improves”.
Consul General Randhir
opening remarks, thanked Jaiswal said: “Thank you Sena-
the senators for “under- tors Kaminsky and Thomas for
your support and understanding
standing the sentiments on the issue of Swastika.
Swastika is a sacred symbol
of two billion Hindus, Bud- of peace and prosperity for Hin-
dhists, Jains and sikh”. dus, Buddhists and Jains. The
United States is a country that
Sewhani further said that believes in respect for diversi-
Swastika is an auspicious sym- ty and multiculturalism. Your
bol which bring peace and understanding on Swastika has
prosperity. The Hindus believe, further deepened that seminal
he said, in Vasudhaiva Kutum- facet of your vibrant culture
bakam which means “the world and democracy. As a vibrant
is one family”. The Hindus democracy, India truly appre-
always believe in “Serve Bha- ciates your kind gesture. Our
vantu Sukhinah” which means shared values, indeed, bring
“May all be happy, may all be us close as two democracies.”
free from illness and may no American Community to fight pervisor Jon Douglass, he said “India as a civilization and
one suffer”, he said. India is the this bill. Numerous calls and the name was given to town by society has always welcomed
only place in the world where emails were sent to the con- early settlers in 1800s. There people and ideas that came to
the Jewish were welcomed like cerned Senators. Thankfully, was pressure on the town board its shore. I am delighted that
a family, he added. the senators understood the to change the name but he and our tradition, ethos and values
“So, when this Bill was concerns of Hindu Community his whole committee didn’t suc- are being met with the same
planned to be tabled in the and this bill was dropped,” Se- cumb to the pressure, he firmly warm embrace today in the
New York State assembly, Hin- whani said. told them that they were total- US.”
dus all over the world were Sewhani further said that ly ignorant as Swastika means Dr Uma Mysorekar, Pres-
devastated. Thanks to the Hin- there is a small town in the up well-being. He also agreed to ident of Hindu Temple Society
du Swayamsevak Sangh which state of New York called Swas- put a plaque at the entrance of North America, thanked
mobilized the whole Indian tika. “I spoke to the town su- of the town which will describe Continued on next page... >>
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