Page 22 - The Indian EYE 041621
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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 16, 2021 | The Indian Eye 22
hate criMeS
indo-american community voice holds
candle light vigil against violence
Prominent community leaders, members of diverse communities speak on the
need to check the rise in hate related incidents
Our Bureau
New York Mrs. Indu Jaiswal, Dr. Anila
MIdha, Mr. Govind Munjal,
ate has no part in a Mrs. Jyoti Gupta, Mrs. Suhag
peaceful society, but Mehta, Mrs. Beena Kothari and
Hin recent days several Mr. Andy Cheng along with the
crimes stirred by this emotion heads of the Temples located in
were committed against Asian Queens and in Long Island, Dr.
Americans in Atlanta, New Uma Mysorekar, Dr. Ravindra
York, California and Texas. Goyal (also IACV, Board Mem-
Indo American Commu- ber ), Mr. Sridhar Shanmugam
nity Voice Inc, a not-for-profit (also IACV Board Member ),
organization which stands for Pandith Hemanath and Maa,
educating and bringing aware- Chandra Bharathi spoke at
ness regarding any community length with concern, at the in-
issues, supported by more than creasing number of hate crimes
35 other organizations from the targeting Asians.
Tri-State area, organized a can- Distinguished members
dlelight vigil to show their soli- of the media newspapers, and
darity against hate crimes and TV from the Tri-State area Dr.
condolences to the families of Sudhir Parikh, Mr. Kamlesh
the Hate Crime victims, led by Mehta, Mr. Sunil Hali and Mr.
President Bina Sabapathy and Jasbir Singh, noted the com-
the IACV Board on April 11, munity outpouring and prom-
2021, at 4pm. ised to create awareness in the
Bina Sabapathy, in her public.
speech, stressed the need of The event was emceed by
the hour and said that hate is Board Members Mr. Vimal
a word that creates fear in the Goyal, Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan,
heart and gives chill to the Mr. Pradeep Tandon and Mrs.
body. She also said that hate Poojaa Makhijani. A very effec-
is a learned behavior, and it tive slide show of Love, Peace,
is instilled in the young mind Faith and Hope was presented
by parents, Teachers, friends by Board Member Mr. Balaji
whom they are associated with Nagaraj.
and the society where they The event concluded with a
live in. The event started with peace prayer by Maa. Chandra
American National anthem and Bharathi and vote of thanks by
the opening remarks by Nassau Mr. Balaji Nagaraj thanking
County Minority Affair Execu- all the speakers from diverged
tive Director Lionel Chitty. communities, participants,
Speakers representing in- News and TV Media, and silent
ternational communities like, supporter Mrs. Shalini Bansal.
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, A Bill is scheduled to pass
Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, South Prominent Community Gopi Dhungwana, Mr. Qamar by the Congress very soon, con-
Korea, and Taiwan were fea- leaders from various orga- Bhashir, Ms. Patsy Chen, Mr. cerning and combining COVID
tured and voiced a palpable nizations, Ms. Kim Kay, Dr. Christopher Tung, Mr. Ajith and HATE CRIMES.
anxiety. Jay Sarkar, Mr. Fred Fu, Mr. Bhaskar, Mr. Koshy Thomas, Continued on next page... >>
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