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OPINION                                                                      APRIL 16, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          18

        missing some key points.                                                                                      open, rules-based order rooted
            Indeed, the Quad is far from                                                                              in international law to advance
        being an alliance and should not                                                                              security and prosperity, and is
        be judged by such a yardstick. At                                                                             committed to countering threats
        the same time, one must keep                                                                                  in the Indo-Pacific and beyond,
        in mind that all the enabling ar-                                                                             just as the Quad Leaders have
        rangements for deeper military                                                                                stated in their Joint Statement.
        cooperation between the four                                                                                     And the Quad does oppose
        nations are slowly and steadily                                                                               coercion in any form. It is not
        coming into place. The US al-                                                                                 an alliance as yet. As the Latin
        ready has treaty alliances with                                                                               phrase goes, “a posse ad esse
        Japan and Australia.                                                                                          non valet consequentia”. One
           Yet, many on the US side be-                                                                               cannot conjecture from the mere
        lieve that India’s reticence is a                                                                             possibility of an alliance that it
        factor that holds up progress in     Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes part in the First Quad Leaders’ Virtual   does exist, or even that it must
        furthering military cooperation.      Summit with US President Joe Biden, Australian PM Scott Morrison and    exist. Nor should the lack of a
        India now also has cross-servic-              Japanese PM Suga, in New Delhi on Friday. (ANI Photo)           full-fledged alliance in the Quad
        ing agreements with Japan and                                                                                 lead one to summarily disparage
        Australia  as well,  as  do  Japan  aspects that limit its choices on        As a great power, the US is  its  potential  role  in  influencing
        and Australia with one another  interpretation of its “core issues”  capable of the duality of engage- the processes of peace and se-
        since 2017.                          and sphere of influence.            ment, with trade friction, human  curity in the 21st century. After
            One can concede that the fo-        Like some of the old colonial  rights preaching and deeper mil- all, the two great wars of the last
        cus of each member is nuanced.  powers, China increasingly pur- itary engagement proceeding  century reveal that alliances can
        India’s main concerns are chal- sues a “mare clausum” (closed  parallelly. China too increasing- emerge quite easily in particular
        lenges to its land boundaries and  seas) strategy especially across  ly pursues “exceptionalism with  situations.
        to maritime frontiers in the In- the South and East China Seas.  Chinese characteristics”, seeking               The fact it that, all said, the
        dian Ocean. The other three na- It has  also  adopted the “island  to rewrite the rules of existing  Quad is definitely here to stay. It
        tions have a Pacific/South China  development” strategies of the  and prospective global struc- is no longer “ocean foam that will
        Sea-centric approach. The Quad  colonials, stringing together sev- tures to accommodate its rising  soon dissipate”, as Chinese For-
        may have started out as the pro- eral  basing  arrangements  to  fa- economic and military power.  eign Minister Wang Yi once put
        verbial blind men feeling an ele- cilitate further expansion.            However, China also focuses  it. The Quad’s future will depend
        phant, but there is much greater                                         on strategies to woo individu- on the choices that China makes.
        congruence among them today on         ‘an idea whose time Has           al countries and constituencies  The greater China’s belliger-
        the nature, shape and size of the                 come’?                 in order to shape outcomes. Its  ence, the faster will the Quad’s
        elephant in the room that is China.     Unlike the archaic “Asia-Pa- actions may run contrary to the  military-security agenda gath-
                                             cific”,  the  Indo-Pacific  more  “rules-based order” but are not  er steam, perhaps even moving
                china’s rise and             closely  reflects  the  contempo- without a degree of success.           up into a 2+2 dialogue format.
                  expansionism               rary reality of the spread of com-                                          The future of the Indo-Pa-
            The fundamental issue today  mercial and economic progress               the Quad’s Uniqueness            cific concept, on the other hand,
        is the rise of China. As its eco- beyond East and Southeast Asia             In contrast to the, as yet,  will depend on whether others
        nomic power aggregates over  to encompass South Asia and  more diffused concept of the In- can offer attractive alternatives
        the decades into military muscle,  the east coast of Africa as well.     do-Pacific, the Quad is already a  to  China’s  economic  and  finan-
        it is increasingly pursuing uni-        The Indo-Pacific, on the oth- well-defined grouping. Its main  cial loans and assistance for de-
        lateral policies and projecting  er hand, is more of an organic  focus is on developing a habit of  velopmental purposes.
        its power in the broader region.  regional process that seeks the  cooperation as a response to com-
        The management of China’s rise,  broadest possible common de- mon concerns and challenges.                     Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy is Direc-
        let alone containment, is a huge  nominators on evolving geo-stra-           While there is every reason to     tor General, Manohar Parrikar
        challenge. This can only be done  tegic and geo-economic issues.  strive for an inclusive Indo-Pacif- Institute for Defence Studies and
        in two ways: on the basis of an  Yet, it is not bereft of contradic- ic, the Quad cannot, and should                 Analyses, New Delhi
        existing “open rules-based order  tions. The  US proposes a free  not, be hastily expanded. A pre-                Views expressed are of the
        rooted in international law” as  and  open  Indo-Pacific  without  mature expansion could dilute
        the Quad Leaders aver, or, on  having acceded to the United  its focus. This should not rule out                author and do not necessarily
        the basis of a new one.              Nations Convention for the Law  engagement with diverse coun-             reflect the views of the Manohar
            China bristles at sugges- of the Sea (UNCLOS) Trea- tries such as Brazil, Israel, New                          Parrikar IDSA or of the
                                                                                                                            Government of India.
        tions that it abide by the existing  ty although it helped shape the  Zealand, South Korea and Viet-
        rules-based order on grounds  Convention from the very begin- nam, in the ‘Quad Plus’ format.  This is the abridged version of the
        others have no right to unilater- ning. The US is a torch bearer             An ontological approach  article which appeared first in the
        ally define it. It is an anti-status  for freedoms of navigation, in- will not provide an accurate un-         Comment section of the website
        quo power that seeks to forge a  nocent passage, free trade and  derstanding of the Quad. Just  ( of Manohar Parri-
        new international order keeping  much else. Yet, US positions are  because it exists does not mean             kar Institute for Defense Studies
        intact the elements of the old  not based on UNCLOS but on  that it is against China. At the                     and Analyses, New Delhi on
        order that suit it, yet redefining  customary international law.          same time, it is definitely for an           March 31, 2021

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