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OPINION APRIL 16, 2021 | The Indian Eye 16
Yes, the Quad will endure!
The Quad is complemented by a joint maritime exercise and a willingness to
work together to meet the challenges of healthcare, new technologies and climate
change but the principal challenge will remain China
Sujan r. chinOy
he Quadrilateral Security
Dialogue (Quad) Leaders’
TSummit held on March 12,
2021, the first of its kind, demon-
strated just how quickly the
four-nation dialogue involving
the US, Japan, Australia and In-
dia moved from a reincarnated
officials’ level dialogue in 2017 to
ministerial engagement in 2019
and an apex summit last month,
in such rapid succession. US President Joe Biden attended the first Quad Summit virtually in DC last month. (ANI Photo/White House Twitter)
Today, the Quad is comple-
mented by a joint maritime ex- attempts to form “cliques” rid-
ercise and a willingness to work ing the back of a hyped-up “Chi-
together to meet the challenges na Threat”. China suspects that
of healthcare, new technologies the “Indo-Pacific” reduces its sa-
and climate change. Here, as in lience whereas the “Asia-Pacific”
the avowed goal of adhering to frame of reference acknowledg-
international law and bedrock es its centrality.
principles such as freedom of China’s hopes of a better
navigation and peaceful resolu- relationship with the Biden ad-
tion of disputes, the binding glue ministration appeared to have
is provided by the antithetical al- been quickly dashed, going by
ternatives posed by China. This the recent testy exchanges be-
is reflected in the emphasis on tween Secretary of State Antho-
building resilient supply chains ny Blinken, National Security
in critical and emerging technol- Advisor Jake Sullivan and their
ogies and in healthcare as well. Chinese counterparts Wang Yi
China’s suspicions about French Navy ships Assault helicopter carrier Tonnerre and Surcouf frigate and Yang Jiechi, at Anchorage,
both the Indo-Pacific and the arrive at Kochi port ahead of France-led 'La Pérouse' joint exercise with on March 18 this year.
Quad run deep. It views the In- QUAD members, in Kochi on Tuesday. (ANI Photo)
do-Pacific concept as a direct is the Quad an alliance?
threat to the Belt and Road ance Initiative Act (ARIA) and China believes that the tri- Many sceptics denigrate the
Initiative (BRI), which is a gar- the energy initiative, Asia EDGE lateral and quadrilateral dia- Quad and warn India against
gantuan scheme aimed at creat- (Enhancing Development and logue structures, cross-servicing getting dragged into a quagmire
ing new markets, standards and Growth Through Energy). arrangements and naval exer- in areas remote to its interests
fresh growth opportunities for Japan and Australia, which cises involving the US, Japan, such as the Pacific or the South
the Chinese economy. have their own programmes India and Australia and oth- China Sea. Others draw atten-
Goaded into action, the US have joined hands with the US ers, are aimed at strengthening tion to its inability to meet Chi-
offers alternatives to Chinese in the Blue Dot Network and the Quad. It naturally views the na’s economic or military chal-
“debt trap” financing for regional the Indo-Pacific Business Forum. Quad through the lens of its “wei lenge.
infrastructure and connectivity India too is promoting its own qi” or “encirclement” strategy, India’s much-vaunted “stra-
projects through the Millennium brand in the region. Over time, of which it has remained an avid tegic autonomy” is also cited as
Challenge Corporation (MCC), these have the potential to ease practitioner. an impediment. However, in
the Better Utilization of Invest- the BRI’s vice-like grip, thus In China’s view, the Indo-Pa- their haste to prematurely write
ments Leading to Development posing a long-term economic cific and the Quad represent a the Quad’s obituary, they are
(BUILD) Act, the Asia Reassur- challenge to China as well. “Cold War mentality” and are Continued on next page... >>
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