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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 16, 2021 | The Indian Eye 26
aaPi elects new Leaders For
2021-22 and Beyond
Dr. Anjana Samadder Dr. Krishan Kumar Dr A Gotimukula Dr Amit Chakrabarty
Dr Ravi Kolli Dr Sajani Shah Dr Satheesh Kathula Dr Sudhakar Jonnalagadda
ajay ghOSh Chief Election Officer, 2021 cautions, anti-hacking measures, and my whole-hearted support.”
said, Dr. Anjana Samadder has
Chicago, IL been elected as the Vice Pres- fixing glitches, resolving dis- “As the incoming President of
putes, anxieties, and concerns AAPI, I would like to congratu-
e have successfully con- ident of AAPI, Dr. Satheesh of the members,” Dr. Arora late my incoming new team for
cluded our elections Kathula was elected Secretary added. She thanked the election the fiscal year 2021-22,” said Dr.
Wfor the year 2021-22 and Dr. Krishan Kumar was committee members, Dr. Ran- Anupama Gotimukula, who will
for AAPI leadership positions,” elected Treasurer of AAPI for ga Reddy, Dr. Sharad Lakhan- be the President of AAPI in the
Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, the year 20-21. Dr. Sapna Ag- pal, Dr. Surendra Purohit and year 2021-22. “I’m very honored,
current President of AAPI an- garwal, Dr. Lokesh Edara, and Dr. Surekha Rao and the entire privileged and consider myself
nounced. “I am happy to an- Dr. Srinagesh Paluvoi were Executive committee led by Dr. fortunate to be bestowed with
nounce that members of Amer- elected to AAPI’s Board of Jonnalgadda for making this the responsibility of leading the
ican Association of Physicians Trustees for a two-year term. election smooth and transpar- nearly four decades old organi-
of Indian Origin (AAPI) have “AAPI electoral process has ent. . zation with the cooperation and
voted for the first time electron- concluded successfully and the Dr. Sajani Shah, the current collaboration of an excellent
ically and have elected a new results are being announced to- BOT Chair thanked the Elec- group of dedicated, hardwork-
and dynamic team to lead AAPI, day. Today I feel very satisfied tion Committee for their metic- ing, and loyal officers and exec-
the largest ethnic medical orga- that we, the election committee, ulous planning and organizing utive committee members who
nization in the United States in were able to do our Job right in the elections with integrity and are with me to take AAPI to
the coming year and beyond.” providing a very FAIR election fairness. She said, “I congrat- new heights.”
While announcing the elec- to everyone, following all bylaws, ulate the winners and the new Dr. Gotimukula will have Dr.
tions results after months long while dealing with big CHAL- leadership who are entrusted Ravi Kolli- President –Elect; Dr.
campaigning for several offices LENGES in implementation of with the responsibility of lead- Anjana Samaddar- Vice Presi-
to the national body and region- this new ELECTRONIC PRO- ing it in the year 2021-22 and be- dent; Dr. Satish Kathula- Secre-
al chapters, Dr. Seema Arora, CESS, taking extra security pre- yond. I wish them the very best tary; Dr. Krishan Kumar- Trea-
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