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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 15, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 30

              FIa – chicago celebrates Indian Heritage night

           with windy city Bulls for the 5th consecutive year

        CHICAGO, IL

              he Indian American communi-
              ty organization Federation of
        TIndian Associations (FIA) of
        Chicago, celebrated Indian Heritage
        Night for the 5th consecutive year,
        at the Now Arena (previously Sears
        Center) where the Windy City Bulls –
        the official NBA G League affiliates
        of the Chicago Bulls, took on the Col-
        lege Park Skyhawks.
            FIA Chicago is a 501 (c)(3) sta-
        tus, non-profit umbrella organization
        of other Indian Associations in the
        Chicago land and Midwest repre-
        senting in excess of 300,000 culturally
        diverse but united together Asian-In-
        dians. FIA has been actively engaged
        in serving the Indian American com-
        munity for the past 12 years and has
        been instrumental in promoting Indi-
        an culture.
            The Indian Heritage Night cel-
        ebrations began, as the Chairman &   Team FIA celebrating Indian Heritage Night during Windy City Bulls Game on March 27th at NOW Arena (From L to R: Altaf Bukhari, Onkar
        Founder President of FIA Sunil Shah,
        along with wife Rita Shah, President           Sangha, Sunil Shah, Brad Seymoure, Rita Shah, Neil Khot, Hitesh Gandhi, Richa Chand and Vinita Gulabani)
        Hitesh Gandhi, and Founder & Past
        President Onkar Singh Sangha, Exe.                                                                    Indian fusion dance performance by
        VP Vinita Gulabani, General Secre-                                                                    the Dancing Diamonds group. (Per-
        tary Richa Chand & Cultural Secre-                                                                    formers: Anika Sharma, Samiksha
        tary Pika Munshi, representing Team                                                                   Joshi, Saanvi Gubba, Niyati Parashar,
        FIA and all Indian diaspora, proudly                                                                  Urvi Chirapu, Charisma) Team FIA
        stood on the court holding the Indian                                                                 presented  a  Certificate  of  Appreci-
        Tricolor and the tricolor was also pro-                                                               ation to all the performers. The pro-
        jected on the huge NOW arena mon-                                                                     gram coordinators were Richa Chand
        itors during the beautiful rendition                                                                  (FIA -Chicago) & Logan Robben
        of the Indian National Anthem by                                                                      (Windy City Bulls). Other FIA mem-
        Ananya Ghosh. Immediately followed                                                                    bers  who  attended and  supported
        by it, the American National anthem,                                                                  the event were Abir Maru, Neelam
        was sung by Nitya Nair. It was a very                                                                 Jai, Harry Sidhu, Pratik Deshpande,
        special experience for all. The spirited                                                              Vibha Rajput, Dr Afroz Hafeez, Sub-
        crowd cheered for both India & USA.                                                                   bu Iyyer, Julie Thakkar, Hemendra
        Longlive India! Longlive USA!!                                                                        Shah, Peenal Shah, Chandni Kalra,
            A Certificate of Appreciation was                                                                 Kavita Rawla, Aparna Khot, Chandini
        presented Brad Seymore, President,                                                                    Duvuri, Deepa Sharma, Dr Ramesh
        Windy City Bulls, to Team FIA - Chi-  Brad Seymoure, President Windy City Bulls with Hitesh Gandhi, President FIA -Chicago.  Nair, Manoj Rathod and Suresh Bod-
        cago for their participation and cele-                                                                iwala and their friends and families.
        brating five years of Indian Heritage   game between the competing teams,   formers: Anyraa Singh, Alak Shuk-  Also enjoyable was a fun zone
        Night. The honor was received by   the highlight of the evening was the   la, Aamukta Chilukuri, Avika Patni,   with Windy City Bulls obstacle course
        Sunil Shah, Rita Shah, Hitesh Gandhi,   exquisite dance performances, by   Sahasrika Moganti, Sataakshi Joshi,   and basketball hoops, one of the main
        Onkar Sangha, Neil Khot, Vinita Gu-  Chicago Dance Varsity Group led   Shreeja Sonavane, Aaliya Khanum   attractions in the arena. Gus T, Live
        labani, Altaf Bukhari, Richa Chand   by Puja Joshi, showcasing the Indian   Mohammed, Hiral Shah, Pooja Gi-  mascot of Bulls entertained the cheer-
        on behalf of Team FIA. When asked,   Dance forms, during the pregame and   roh, Ruchi Sharma).        ing crowds. The “Catch the T-shirt”
        Chairman Shah said, “We promote   quarter breaks that enthralled the au-  During the quarter breaks, there   act further energized the attendees.
        & motivate our youth to participate   dience.                       was a sensational Garbha folk dance   Last but not the least, FIA greatly
        & perform during the Bulls games.”     The Pregame Dance perfor-    by Magic Feet group ( Performers:   appreciates its sponsors and support-
        President  Gandhi  added,  “We  strive   mance by Dancing Divas & Little An-  Mahi Jain, Agalya Saminathan, Suri-  ers. FIA Media coverage by: Suresh
        for a culture, rich & diverse, and this   gels group on Bollywood Instrumen-  ya Soni, Ridhima Singh, Apurva Vi-  Bodiwala & Subhash Mantri, Asian
        is one of the ways we can do it.”  tal followed by freestyle Bollywood   nodkumar, Riva Rithesh, Ahana Cha-  Media.
            Besides a very exciting basketball   Dance stole everyone’s heart. (Per-  ranpahari ) There was also a beautiful   --Asian Media USA

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