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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 15, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
Schools and Cultural Institutions brations dating back to the 4th cen-
across the United States, Europe, tury CE. It marks the beginning of
South America, and India. She is spring after a long winter, symbolic
the founder and director of Sur-Taal, of the triumph of good over evil. It is
thing that brings in a lot of positivity ti shared with the audience their per- and She teaches in CT, NYC, Boston, celebrated in March, corresponding
in our lives and Holi being the festival spectives, experiences of celebrating West Coast, Germany, and Rome. to the Hindu calendar month of Phal-
of colors is actually a day worth re- Holi and what it meant for them. A Beena Kothari, a prominent guna. On the eve of the festival, large
joicing,” Motwani said. “Holi is con- beautiful Hindi poem on Holi com- community leader and GOPIO – NY pyres are lit in many parts of India to
sidered as one of the most revered posed and narrated by Anju and Sneha President poetically described the signify the burning of evil spirits.
and celebrated festivals of India and Singhi, a young artist was appreciated importance of Holi and served as an In the end, Ketan Shah, Co-host
it is celebrated in almost every part of by one and all. Members of the dance emcee of the event. Holi has become and president of SIAEA thanked all
India, transcending every region, and troupe led by Staya Narayn Charka of known as India’s most vivid, joyous Honorable guests, dignitaries, Per-
people of all faiths, including Hindus, the Ananda Ashram performed Kath- festival. Holi is being celebrated in formers, Participants, Viewers, Spon-
Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees, akali, reliving the stories from the In- the Indian subcontinent for centu- sors, and executive committees of
Buddhists, and Jains. It represents dian Epic, Mahabharat. Navya Pain- ries, with poems documenting cele- both GOPIO-NY and SIAEA.
the uniqueness of Indian culture as goal, Renu Kundem, and Michelle
we, from all backgrounds stand unit- Sadat a fine vocalist also delighted
ed to welcome Spring, as Mother Na- the event with their beautiful singing.
ture breathes freshness into our lives A live Bollywood medley by An-
and that of every living creature on war Hussain and friends from Jaipur,
Earth. Welcome to each and every India representing a family of 12 gen-
one of you and wishing you and your erations serving the royals, was much
families A VERY HAPPY HOLI!” appreciated, and loved by all. Begum
Ketan Shah, President of SI- of Bollywood Maharaja from Jaipur,
AEA served as co-emcee and intro- a famous singer who is the 1st woman
duced the speakers, executive team from her community to perform pub-
of GOPIO and SIAEA boards at the licly, mesmerized the audience with
event and thanked the several spon- her beautiful voice.
sors who made the event successful Miss Teen India Sidhya Ganesh
by their financial support. Major from the state of Washington de-
sponsors among all are ICC (Grand lighted the audience with a live Holi
Sponsor), Monpat Construction and Dance. The Chander family con-
Nadiad Construction (GOLD Spon- sisting of Anil, Harish, Gopi Arti
sors), Amil Patel, SIAEA president Raj presented a Bollywood Med-
elect, Gary Wowk Founder of K Con- ley, mesmerizing the audience with
struction, Bina Sabapathy, Navneet their beautiful voice singing some of
Kothari, Dhiraj Ahuja were among the very popular numbers from the
the SILVER sponsors. Swathi and evergreen Hindi movies. Dinesh
Aaishwariya Gulani, Miss India USA Mirchandani, a founder, and CEO
2020 were master emcees who grace- of Sargam Music Academy delighted
fully presented the cultural part of the occasion with his classical vocal
the program. Dharmatma Saran of singing.
the Miss India Worldwide Pageants Anindita Nanda, a classical
coordinated the cultural extravagan- dancer and choreographer, who has
za. Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman presented and produced over 500
of GOPIO International in his greet- shows in the past two decades and
ings to the community on the occa- a scientist in Pharma from Danbury
sion of Holi, complemented GOPIO CT presented Ganapathi Stothram
New York and SIAEA for hosting the and a Bharatnatyam Pallavi. A much
Holi celebrations. sought-after touring artist, Anindita
Second-generation Indian is regularly presented by Embassies,
Americans, including a 16-yr old Adi- Museums, Universities, Libraries,