Page 26 - The Indian EYE 041522
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 15, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
FIA Chairman & Founder President Sunil Shah & his wife Rita Shah. FIA, Chicago Chairman & Founder President Sunil Shah & President Hitesh Gandhi.
started dancing in enthusiasm. Holi Bazaar: Beautiful Ideas - The especially thankful to Vinoz Chana- Outland Media, MIDWAY Business
There were several energetic Indian Boutique, VR Fabrics and molu, Pramod Kumar for hosting the Brokers, Dimple’s Beauty Salon,
Bollywood inspired folk, fusion and Home Decor, VJ Unique Collec- event at their wonderful location, Hanmi Bank, OROCHEM, Air In-
modern group dance performances. tions, DHARMISTA Collections, Mall of India, Naperville, IL. dia, RELY Services, REMAX, Dr
Jai Mehta did an energetic modern Hiranmaayeeem, Ladies Choice, FIA thanks and greatly appre- Bhupinder Beri, Mall of India, POW-
contemporary style dance perfor- Kirby, Outland Media, SHOWFEST, ciates all its attendees, esteemed ER VOLT, SBI, Reliance Global
mance on Desi Girls. Equally sensa- Be the Match, Sanjeevani, Hyder- guests, sponsors, supporters & media Logistics, Pinky & Dinesh Thakkar,
tional performance was from Team abad House, Mall of India. partners for their unwavering sup- Marriott, SHOWFEST, GETSKY-
Laya on a Bollywood Hindi Med- With the warm weather compli- port & trust in FIA., Verandah, New York Life,
ley, depicting the Holi fun in fusion menting the festivities, the afternoon Sponsors & Supporters: Suga Woodridge clinic.
style dance (Choreographer: Pri- celebrations catapulted into joyful Builders, The Bhatt Foundation, --Asian Media USA
yanka Parekh, Performers: Priyanka exuberance spilling out in the out-
Parekh, Ananya Bhuskute, Manisha doors of the Mall where the actual
Patil, Manasi Thatte, Trupti Kale, Holi celebrations kicked in high gear
Sampada Thatte). A super rocking with the high-pitched DJ music ( pro-
performance by SR International vided by DJ Thomas by JB Sounds)
Group also left the audience en- and the sprinkling of ‘gulal’ color
thralled. (SRI CEO Rita Singh, Cho- powder on each other ensuring no
reographer: Elizar Rodriguez; Per- one is left without the touch of color
formers: Keya Patel, Diya Rakesh, on them - each celebrant sprung into
Saanvika Soni, Karina Bhatt, Nithya spontaneous dancing to the rever-
Lavu, Akshath Reddy, Ananya Mad- berating beats of Bollywood hits and
uri, Dhruva Shah, Hansikaa Vinotha the amazing Dholi beats by Mehul
Kannan, Neha John, Shreeya Thak- Adhikari, prompting the garba lovers
ur). Another very unique and tradi- to enjoy their favorite garba raas to-
tional dance performance, by Suhani gether while celebrating Holi!!
Academy of Performing arts and The event was concluded by the
Hindu scriptures and Vedas stole Vote of Thanks speech by FIA Exec-
everyone’s heart!!(Choreographer: utive VP Shital Daftari, followed by
Falguni Rana, Participants: Aanya Dholi beats and the FIA team led
Sullivan, Riya Sullivan, Triti Oliver, the dancing audience to the outdoors
Mohini Sullivan, Monica Jaiswal, Ol- for some Holi color fun! Media Cov-
iver and Falguni Rana). erage by Suresh Bodiwala, Asian
Amidst all this a very calm- Broadcasting USA. Music was pro-
ing and relaxing “Talk on Virtues vided by DJ Thomas of JB Sounds &
of Yoga & Meditation in Today’s Video, Video Monitor supported by
Life!” was presented by Yoga Guru Harry Sidhu, Pramod Chintamaneni,
Anu Malhotra. There were several and Dholi beats by Mehul Adhikari.
Vendor Spotlight Announcements, Logistics support by Altaf Bukhari
throughout the program, which high- & Hemendra Shah. And a big thank
lighted the special deals, discounts, you to Big Suchir also for provid-
products & services offered by vari- ing snack boxes, Chai and Thandaii
ous Vendors participating at the FIA beverages for the volunteers. FIA is