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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 15, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 28

            GOPIO New york & SIAEA With the Consulate

         General of India In New york Celebrate Culture of

                                     India at Virtual Holi Festival

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
               oli is the national festival of
               colors, celebrated across In-
        Hdia in different forms and
        traditions. The celebration of this
        colorful festival brings people of dif-
        ferent faiths with diverse socio-polit-
        ical ideologies closer. This message
        of unity in diversity was shared by the
        Chief Guest, India’s Consul General
        in New York, Randhirkumar Jaiswal
        during the annual Holi celebrations
        organized by GOPIO New York
        Chapter in collaboration with the
        Society of Indo-American Engineers
        Architects (SIAEA) in collaboration
        with the Consulate General of India
        In New York on Sunday, March 20th,
            In his eloquent address to the
        Diaspora community, Ambassador
        Jaiswal greeted the participants from
        around the world on the occasion of
        Holi Festival, who had joined from all
        major continents on Earth, as hun-
        dreds of Indian Diaspora members
        came together virtually to celebrate
        the Festival of Holi. While describing
        the historical and symbolic traditions
        of the festival of Holi, the veteran
        diplomat said, “Holi is a very beau-
        tiful festival of color. A festival that
        helps us welcome spring. Holi has
        several connotations, social, religious,
        political, and rhythmic with nature.
        Holi is about togetherness, unity and   at the US Congress and the interests   as shared with the audience how he   Origin, showcased the rich, colorful,
        oneness, and holding hands together,   of India.” Recalling his childhood   has made it a point to bring Holi and   and vibrant traditions of India, bring-
        celebrating the goodness and kind-  as a first generation Irish American,   other Indian festivals to the New   ing them at the doorsteps of every
        ness of humanity,” he said. He urged   he was taught to remember the 3 Is,   York State Chambers, distributing   household, as the audience from
        the participants to take a moment out   Ireland, Italy, and Israel, and now,   Samosas and sweets to the members   around  the  world  were  entertained
        to pray for peace.                “There are for Is: Ireland, Italy, Israel   of the elected officials in Albany. He   with mesmerizing music, scintillating
            Congressman Tom Suozzi of     and India.”                       invited GOPIO to join him and oth-  dance performances, and inspiring
        Long Island, NY greeted the com-      In her message, NY Senator Ana   er elected officials in Albany to cele-  speeches.
        munity with “Holi Mubarak” to all.   Kaplan, greeted the Indian commu-  brate Holi in person, after having to   Lal Motwani, Chairman of GO-
        Describing Holi as an exciting time   nity in New York a very Happy Holi.   celebrate Holi virtually in the past 2   PIO New York and Executive Trustee
        for all, a great friend of India and the   She praised the contributions and   years due to Covid. “We hope, this is   of GOPIO International, and for-
        Indian American community, Rep.   achievements of the Indian Ameri-  the last of all virtual celebrations,” he   mer president of the SIAEA, in his
        Suozzi said, “It’s great to be with you   can community. She recalled how in   said, and hoped that “From now on,   address,  greeted  Honorable  India’s
        all to celebrate the festival of Holi,   her own tradition; her community   we can celebrate the festivities in per-  Consul General of New York, Rand-
        which reminds us of all that Spring is   celebrates the arrival of the Spring.   son, meeting one another, joining our   hirKumar Jaiswal and officials, mem-
        in the air as the flowers start bloom-  “New  York  is  a  melting  pot  that   hands together,” he said.    bers and the leaders of GOPIO from
        ing and we await new life and happi-  brings people of all faiths and of all   The colorful Holi celebrations   around the world who have joined
        ness. Thank you for your continued   backgrounds,” she said, and wished,   depicting the rich cultural heritage   virtually to celebrate the colorful fes-
        support, and I will do everything in   May all of us experience peace, over-  of India, organized by the  GOPIO   tival of Holi.
        my power to represent the Indian   coming all hurdles on the way.”   New York, the first Chapter of Glob-  “The vibrancy of colors is some-
        American community in Long Island     New York Senator Kevin Thom-  al Organization of People of Indian      Continued at next page... >>

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