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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 15, 2022 | The Indian Eye 34
Mayor Sam Joshi Addresses ITServe
Alliance Northeast (NE) Chapter
OUR BUREAU in Edison City. He encouraged the
members to invest more in Edison
Edison, NJ
City to harness the opportunities in
dison Mayor Sam Joshi ad- IT Space in this information age and
dressed the ITServe Alliance, offered any help members may need
ENortheast Chapter in Monthly from his office.
meeting on the March 24, 2022. Mayor Joshi is a classic success
Mayor Joshi was received and story from an immigrant family, hav-
welcomed by ITServe Alliance Na- ing a clear vision from the get-go to
tional President, Mr. Dev Aerrabolu, be in Public Service and make a pos-
National President-Elect, Mr. Vinay itive difference in the lives of others.
Mahajan, North East Chapter Presi- The Mayor’s in-depth knowledge of
dent, Mr. Omprakash Nakka & Phila- the community, needs of the people,
delphia Chapter President, Mr. Ashok opportunities available, his desire
Dandamudu for a rousing reception. to help others, and the community
The Mayor spoke at length while at large have mesmerized and im-
addressing over 150 Entrepreneurs pressed the members and encour-
in IT Space and his speech was highly aged them to do more. *Member
inspiring. Mayor appreciated the ef- community was proud of Mayor
forts of ITServe Member companies’ Joshi’s contributions to the city of
contribution towards the creation of Edison and has been seen as a role
high-paying IT Jobs and un-relenting model to the youth to pursue their
CSR activities in the communities in passion at heart and make a differ-
the state of New Jersey, especially ence in the community.