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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 15, 2022 | The Indian Eye 36
BAPS Hindu Mandir Supports Afghan Refugees
for the holy month of Ramadan
Los Angeles, CA
ince the crisis in Afghanistan
unfolded last year, thousands of
Srefugees have come to the Los
Angeles area seeking asylum and a
community for their families. In Los
Angeles County, various government
agencies and non-profit organizations
have come together to form the ‘Los
Angeles County Afghan Refugee
Task Force’ to support Afghan refu-
gees to resettle, navigate the system
and provide resources. Members in-
clude the Los Angeles County Office
of Emergency Management, FEMA,
Islamic Relief, CAIR-LA, the BAPS
Hindu Temple/BAPS Charities, and
many others. As the Muslim holy
month of Ramadan approaches, the
families will be celebrating their first
Ramadan in the United States, away
from home.
The task force put together a
list of items that the families re-
quested for their family Ramadan
observances and celebrations. On
Friday, March 25th, volunteers from
Southern California’s largest Hindu
Temple, the BAPS Hindu Mandir in
Chino Hills, California, through its
charitable arm, BAPS Charities, do-
nated the following items to support
Afghan refugees for the Muslim holy
month of Ramadan:
• 125 pounds of Dates for Iftar
• 25 pounds of Nuts for Iftar and fasting
• Pressure Cookers and Large Pots for
family-style Ramadan cooking
• Tarps for family-style Ramadan dining
• Assorted Steel Serving Utensils
country unfolded last year. Even Allen (SD-26) also brought large introduced a resolution to affirm
BAPS Volunteers arrived on- though they are thousands of miles pots, tarps, and 25 pounds of dates LAUSD’s commitment to support-
site at Loyola Village Elementa- from home, all humans should have to donate to the refugees and their ing Afghan refugees. Board Mem-
ry School, where the Los Angeles access to resources and dignity to families. “I could think of no better ber Melvoin and LAUSD Staff were
Unified School District Westchester practice their faith wherever they way for us to support the community there on-site to receive the donations
Community of Schools is collecting are, without persecution and fear,” in a way that brings people together to be distributed to the families.
donations for the refugees. LAUSD commented Mehul Patel, volunteer of all faiths and backgrounds to make This year, the BAPS Shri Swami-
School Board Vice President Nick with the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan the introduction for these folks into narayan Hindu Mandir is celebrating
Melvoin, Samuel Liu (Deputy Chief Hindu Mandir. “As the Muslim holy our country, to our city as welcoming its 10th year anniversary as well as
of Staff for Senator Ben Allen (SD- month of Ramadan approaches, as possible especially when they have the 100th birth anniversary of their
26)), and Jennifer Theodore-Sulli- in the spirit of interfaith peace and suffered so much trauma. These fam- late spiritual leader, His Holiness
van and Christian Acala from the harmony, the volunteers of BAPS ilies can use the holidays as a time to Pramukh Swami Maharaj, whose life
LAUSD Westchester Community of Charities and BAPS are honored to come together and continue their motto, “In the Joy of Others, Lies our
Schools, were also present for the provide our fellow human brothers cultural traditions. We are really Own” led thee, volunteers, to take on
donation. and sisters with these items to be able grateful to BAPS and BAPS Chari- this effort. In the spirit of honoring
“Thousands of refugees from to practice their faith in the best way ties be a part of this effort.” his life and teachings, BAPS is hum-
Afghanistan have settled in Los An- possible.” Last September, LAUSD School bled to support Afghan refugees in
geles since the crisis in their home The Office of State Senator Ben Board Vice President Nick Melvoin Los Angeles.