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BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 07, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 32

                                                              TECH T@LK

                     YouTube expands                                            Oneplus 11 Jupiter Rock

            ‘Analytics for Artists’ tool                                          limited edition likely to

              ouTube has expanded its An-  tool to help artists and their teams      launch soon in India
              alytics for Artists tool by add-  see how fans are listening to their
        Ying YouTube Shorts-related       music or creating with it, across all
        data to the “Total Reach” metric.   video formats.                         nePlus has unveiled a new   same specifications as the OnePlus
        This means YouTube will now give      In the new Songs section, artists    variant of its  OnePlus 11   11 5G and is powered by Qual-
        artists and their teams an overview   will see their top songs from the past  Oseries called the OnePlus 11   comm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 2
        of how their music is reaching audi-  28 days and  what songs  are being   Jupiter Rock limited edition. The   SoC, with a 5,000mAh battery that
        ences across YouTube, TechCrunch   most used in Shorts.             phone debuted in China recently   supports 100W SuperVOOC fast
        reported. Prior to this expansion,    “Shorts are the appetizer to the   and is tipped to make its way to the   charging. With a dynamic refresh
        the Total Reach metric only in-   entree,” Cohen wrote. “They are the   Indian market soon. According to   rate of up to 120Hz, the phone’s
        cluded official content uploaded by   entry point, leading fans to discov-  the Mashable website, the OnePlus   6.7-inch Quad-HD+ (1,440x3,216
        the artist and long-form videos up-  er the depth of an artist’s catalog,   11 Jupiter Rock limited edition will   pixels) 10-bit LTPO 3.0 AMOLED
        loaded by fans. In a blog post, Lyor   including music videos, interviews,   be launched in India soon, but the   screen is included.
        Cohen, YouTube’s global head of   live performances, lyric videos, and   company is yet to confirm this. One-  The triple camera setup on
        Music, said that fan-created Shorts   more. Look at Rema & Selena Go-  Plus has said that the material cross-  the OnePlus 11 Jupiter Rock limit-
        increased  the  average  artist’s  audi-  mez winning big by leveraging all the   over used to design the new limited   ed edition features a 50-megapixel
        ence of unique viewers by more than   video formats available on YouTube.   edition has never been seen in the   (1.56-inch)  Sony  IMX890  sensor  as
        80% in January 2023.                  After they surpassed 60 million   industry before, making it a unique   the primary sensor, a 48-megapixel
            In addition, artists who are ac-  unique viewers of their official music   addition to their lineup.  (0.5-inch) Sony IMX581 sensor for
        tive on Shorts saw more than 50% of   videos  and  Shorts  for  Calm  Down,   According to the website, The   ultra-wide-angle photography, and
        their new channel subscribers com-  fans uploaded Shorts featuring their   OnePlus 11 Jupiter Rock limited   a 32-megapixel (1/2.74-inch) Sony
        ing directly from their Shorts posts   track, taking viewership to anoth-  edition is available in a 16 GB RAM   IMX709 sensor for telephoto pho-
        on average.                       er level: adding 350 million unique   +  512  GB  storage  configuration   tography. A 16-megapixel front-fac-
            The company is also launching a   viewers in January, an increase of   only and is priced at CNY 4,999   ing camera with a Sony IMX471 sen-
        new “Songs” section in its Analytics   over 500 per cent.”          (roughly  Rs.  59,700).  It shares  the   sor is available for taking selfies.

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