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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 07, 2023 | The Indian Eye 27
Global Indian Council (GIC)
announces Canada National Chapter
OUR BUREAU ada for three terms.
3. Dr. AANN ABRAHAM, Calgary
lobal Indian Council Inc., ( Secretary) She is a Faculty mem-
the fast-growing non-prof- ber of Bow Valley College, Calgary,
Git Network Organization of a Project Coordinator at Alberta
the Indian Diaspora, announced its Health Services, Canada, and a
new GIC Canada National Chapter National Coordinator, at Malay-
(GIC-CAN-CA)in Canada on Sun- alam Mission School in Canada.
day, March 26, 2023.
Global Indian Council is incor- 4. Binoj Menon, Edmonton (Associ-
porated in the State of Texas as a ate Secretary) is a renowned social
nonprofit, nonreligious, and non- worker, cultural organizer, and
political organization giving equal successful Businessman in Van-
opportunity to people who want to couver and Alberta.
give back to the community to con-
nect, support, promote, and empow- 5. Rijesh Peter, Alberta ( Treasurer)
er youth, students, and professionals is a Media professional, Chief Ed-
worldwide in ventures that would itor of IAPC Chronicle quarterly,
benefit the society at large. GIC has and a Recent Aksharasree Award
sixteen different Centers of Excel- winner.
lence to impart the passion of each
member and focus on significant 6. Deepa Mohandoss, Brampton,
matters. Toronto (Associate Treasurer) is
actively involved in the communi-
Atlanta Consul General Dr. ty, currently the Board Member of
South Asian Canadian Health and
Swathi Kulkarni kick-started Social Services and a Public Mem-
the organization, and the of- ber of the City of Brampton Public
Advisory Committee., and inter-
ficials were sworn in by Hon. ested in Women Empowerment &
Former Ambassador Pradeep Charity.
Kapoor, who was well inspired 7. GURMUKH SINGH, Toronto
by its vision and mission. (National Council), who is a senior
journalist running The Canadian
Bazar website and print magazine.
“It deserves special mention that
GIC continues its long journey with 8. THAMPANOOR MOHAN,
solid footprints across the seas with Vancouver- (Global Center of
Chapters established in prominent Excellence Affiliations & Orga-
cities in the United States, Singa- nizational Development), also a
pore, Canada, Australia, Africa, the the initiative for its formation and stream service agencies, and other GIC founder member, Founder
Middle East, the UK, and India, and expressed his gratitude to the entire community-based organizations as Member, KHNA/ Canadian Con-
many are in the process of launch- Cabinet Members for his tireless Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Chair nections, popularly known for his
ing,” earlier said Dr. Jija Madhavan support. of Finance & Audit Committee, boundless help to immigrants.
Hari Singh, the Goodwill Ambassa- GIC Canada National Chap- Board Member, and Public Mem-
dor of the organization. ter will be led by prominent leaders ber appointed by City Council. Global Vice President Prof.
Global Indian Council’s Glob- and professionals, and they have ex- Joy Pallattumadom, Treasurer Dr.
al President, Mr. PC Mathew, an- pressed their support and passion to 2. MATHEW JOHN, Vancouver Tara Sajan, Assoc. Treasurer Tom
nounced the names of the office follow the vision and mission of GIC. (Vice President), who also serves Kolath, Associate Secretary Adv.
bearers presented by the Global as the Chairman of WMC Brit- Yamini, Compliance Officer Adv.
General Secretary Sudhir Nambiar 1. IQBAL M ALI, Toronto (Pres- ish Columbia, Vice Chairman Susan Mathew, Public Relations Of-
in the Global Cabinet held on March ident), who has 38 years of pro- of WMC America Region, and ficer Adv. Seema Balasubramanian,
26, 2023, and congratulated the new fessional experience in Financial Charman of Kairali Seniors Cen- Chairs and Co-Chairs of the Cen-
office bearers for their passion for Management & Leadership with tre Of BC Canada. Also, serve ters of Excellence congratulated the
serving the community. over 30 years of volunteering expe- on the board of the Centre For Chapter Office Bearers; and offered
He also thanked the cabinet rience in various not-for-profit or- Global Mission and KCF. Served all support to the projects and plans
member Dr. Mathew Joys for taking ganizations, ministry-funded main- as the president of KCABC Can- to be announced by the Chapter soon.