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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 07, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 28

         GOPIO Joins Hands with Indian Consulate

                                 to Celebrate Shaheed Diwas

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            reminded the audience of the impor-
                                                                                                              tance of various dates before and af-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              ter March 23rd starting with Jan 30th,
             haheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day is                                                                  Feb 27th, March 23rd, April 13th.  Dr
             observed on six days across India                                                                Lall reminded that the freedom strug-
        Swhich includes January 30th and                                                                      gle started in 1857 that caught fervor
        March 23rd each year to remember                                                                      post hanging of the three martyrs and
        the  sacrifices  of  the  brave  freedom                                                              led to the freedom in 1947.
        fighters who devoted their entire lives                                                                   Cultural Consul Vipul Dev from
        to help us enjoy freedom.                                                                             the Indian Consulate summarized
            As India and the people of In-                                                                    the event “Keep the memories of our
        dian  origin  living  around  the  world                                                              Martyrs alive and it’s very important
        enjoy freedom, liberty, equality and                                                                  to let the future generations of our di-
        success,  it’s  due  to  the  sacrifices,  vi-                                                        aspora especially the children who are
        sion and foresight of men and women                                                                   born and brought up here in the Unit-
        who dedicated their lives at the cause                                                                ed States to acquaint them with the
        of freedom, fighting for independence                                                                 glorious history of India’s Freedom
        from the 200-years of British Rule.                                                                   struggle.” He further added, “It took
            Global Organization of People of                                                                  immense courage and immense sac-
        Indian Origin (GOPIO) along with   other Emcee of the event, poet and   to join him this year and convey the   rifices by the Shaheeds on their part,
        its chapters in the New York area   writer Anoop Bhargava , who spoke   message of India as it leads G20 Pres-  imagine someone you know as young
        (Manhattan, New York, Edison and   on  the importance of  Martyr’s Day.   idency to the people across the world.   as 23 years old like Bhagat Singh was
        Central Jersey) joined  hands  with   Bhargava sai, “On March 23 in 1931,   Also, this year India celebrates the   and their other companions they were
        the Consulate General of India in   three brave men, Bhagat Singh, Sukh-  International Year of Millets 2023 or   young men in their 20s, some were
        New York to organize and honor the   dev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru   Shree Anna (means auspicious).     in their 30s, but imagine the kind of
        martyrs during a virtual celebration   were hanged to death by Britishers,   Vermont State Senator Ms. Kes-  courage and sacrifice that they chose
        of Shaheed Diwas 2023, which is the   for fighting for freedom from British   ha Ram reflected on her roots and the   so we should learn and we should
        92nd death anniversary of three cou-  rule in India.”               involvement of her families during the   take inspiration from their life and we
        rageous youngsters Shaheed Bhagat     India’s Consul General Randhir   partition of India and Pakistan.  That   should understand their message and
        Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukh-  Kumar Jaiswal opened with Jai Hind.     event displaced millions and numer-  take it forward.”
        dev Thapar on March 18, 2023.     He shared his journey of 25-years   ous lives were lost.  Her Great-Great   Consul Dev further said “As we
            The celebrations, started with a   since starting in the Indian Foreign   Grandfather was Shri Gangaram   gather at the Consulate General of
        welcome remarks by GOPIO-Man-     Service in 1998 and pointed to the   upon whom there is a hospital named   India with our community who are
        hattan Co-Secretary Emcee Bhavya   nine-fold growth in the same period   in the Capital--New Delhi and La-  regular at our events and who are
        Gupta, touched many hearts as the   within India.  He further added, that   hore, Pakistan.”          connected with us, that this year we
        hundreds of participants  heard per-  the next 25-years, known as Amrit Kal   Dr. Bhuvan Lall, Film Producer,   are celebrating  the  75th  year  of  In-
        sonal stories shared by family mem-  (100-years  of  independence);  India   Entrepreneur, Speaker, Scriptwrit-  dia’s independence, Azadi Ka Amrit
        bers of some of these brave men and   will grow 9-fold or more.  He praised   er and Columnist, New Delhi, India.   Mahotsav and as part of that series of
        women, who fought valiantly and gave   the contributions of the Martyrs that   Author of The Man India Missed The   celebrations we are remembering so
        up their lives at the altar of freedom   led to the last 75-years of success   Most - Subhas Chandra Bose & The   many  of  our  freedom  fighters  espe-
        for India. Bhavya then introduced the   and called upon the Indian Diaspora   Great Indian Genius – Har Dayal,   cially those who we consider unsung
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