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BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 07, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 30

                                  Govt. unveils plans to

              boost services and merchandise

                   exports to $2 trillion by 2030

         Provisions for merchanting trade are also proposed. A merchanting transaction is one which involves the

          shipment of goods from one foreign country to another foreign country involving an Indian Intermediary

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

               nion Minister for Commerce
               and Industry Piyush Goyal
        Uwhile unveiling Foreign Trade
        Policy 2023 on Friday expressed confi-
        dence in India touching exports worth
        USD 2 trillion by 2030. “By 2030, we
        will export USD 2 trillion in services
        and merchandise. All embassies will
        help exporters in exports,” he said.
        The Directorate General of Foreign
        Trade said that the total exports in
        Financial Year 2023 are projected to
        cross USD 760 billion.
            The Ministry of Commerce and
        Industry said Foreign Trade Police
        2023 focuses on the internationalisa-
        tion of trade in rupees. On the occa-
        sion, Piyush Goyal unveiled FTP 2023
        which will come into effect from April 1.
            The Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20,
        which was to end in March 2020 was ex-  Union Minister for Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal with Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Anupriya Patel and Commerce
        tended due to the Covid-19 pandemic         Secretary Sunil Barthwal releases the Foreign Trade Policy 2023 in New Delhi on Friday (ANI Photo/ Jitender Gupta)
        and volatile geo-political scenario. In-
        ternational trade settlement in rupee   one which involves the shipment of   slow down to 1 percent in 2023, due to   the goal of trillion dollar merchandise
        is allowed under the new policy and   goods from one foreign country to   global uncertainties. Export scenario   exports by 2030. The government will
        changes introduced for the grant of   another foreign country involving an   will remain challenging,” the govern-  also restructure the Department of
        export  benefits  and  fulfilment  of  ex-  Indian Intermediary.    ment said in its presentation.    Commerce to make it future-ready.
        port obligation for export realizations   The government believes mer-  In the past six-to-seven years, In-  Meanwhile, in a second consecu-
        in Indian currency as per RBI norms.  chanting trade is expected to facilitate   dia’s exports have risen by about 75   tive weekly increase, India’s forex re-
            The government has been work-  trade, making India a trade hub.  per cent, as compared to 28 per cent   serves rose $5.977 billion to $578.778
        ing towards making the Indian rupee   Also, four new towns of export   at the global level, data showed.  billion in the week ended March 24,
        a global currency and allowing inter-  excellence (TEE) are being declared   During the period, engineering   the Reserve Bank of India said on Fri-
        national trade settlement. The RBI   in addition to the already existing 39   and agricultural exports rose 81 per   day. In the previous reporting week,
        had last year put in place an addition-  towns of export excellence. They are   cent and 61 per cent, respectively.  the kitty had risen by $12.8 billion to
        al arrangement for invoicing, payment,  Faridabad for apparel, Moradabad   Pharma and electronics goods rose 45   $572.8 billion.
        and settlement of exports/imports in   for handicrafts, Mirzapur for hand-  per cent and 163 per cent, respectively.  It can be noted that in October
        Indian currency. This mechanism will   made carpet and dari, and Varanasi   Coming to marine products and   2021, the country’s forex kitty had
        help in internationalizing the Indian   for handloom and handicraft.  toy, they rose 63 per cent and 89 per   reached an all-time high of $645 bil-
        currency in the long run. A currency   The benefits of such export excel-  cent, respectively, data showed.  lion. The reserves have been declining
        can be termed “international” if it is   lence are recognition, market access   Further, dairy sector to be ex-  as the central bank deploys the kitty
        widely accepted worldwide as a medi-  initiative scheme, and common ser-  empted from maintaining Average   to defend the rupee amid pressures
        um of exchange.                   vice provider facility.           Export Obligation. It aims to support   caused majorly by global developments.
            The Foreign Trade Policy 2023     India’s total exports already   the dairy sector to upgrade technology.  For the week ended March 24,
        being is aimed to provide policy conti-  crossed USD 750 billion. “India’s pro-  The government estimates sug-  the foreign currency assets, a major
        nuity and a responsive framework.  jected growth (in 2023) is more than   gest that e-commerce exports are   component of the reserves, increased
            Under the new policy, provisions   double the projected growth for the   expected to grow to USD 200-300   by $4.38 billion to $509.728 billion, ac-
        for merchanting trade are also pro-  world. The WTO’s global trade fore-  billion by 2030. The government will   cording to the Weekly Statistical Sup-
        posed. A merchanting transaction is   cast predicts growth in world trade to   set  sector-specific  targets  to  achieve   plement released by the RBI.

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