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BUSINESS EYE                                                          MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 39

                                                              TECH T@LK

        US sues tech giant Apple for “monopolizing” smartphone market

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 compete, as reported by Al Jazeera.
                                                                                                      The Biden administration’s antitrust push has
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                   already taken aim at corporate behemoths such as
              he United States Department of Justice                                               Google and Amazon, alongside unsuccessful bids
              (DOJ)  has  filed  a  civil  antitrust  lawsuit                                      to block acquisition deals by Microsoft and Face-
        Tagainst  the  tech  giant  Apple,  accusing  the                                          book parent Meta Platforms.
        company of “stifling” competition to boost its rev-                                           Meanwhile, Apple has disputed that charac-
        enues and “illegally monopolizing” the US smart-                                           terization and said that it would “vigorously” de-
        phone market, Al Jazeera reported.                                                         fend itself against the suit, which it called “wrong
            The 88-page suit was filed on Thursday in a                                            on the facts and the law”.
        New Jersey federal court with 16 state and dis-                                               The  California-based company has faced
        trict attorneys general joining the Department of                                          growing scrutiny from anti-monopoly enforcement
        Justice.                                                                                   bodies in Europe, Japan and South Korea.
            At issue is Apple’s most popular product, the   Apple, a company with annual revenues of about USD 400   Apple,  a  company  with  annual  revenues  of
        iPhone, which is the linchpin of the company’s   billion, has long promoted the strict integration between its   about USD 400 billion, has long promoted the
        USD 2.7 trillion valuation. With more than a bil-                                          strict integration between its products and soft-
        lion users, Apple has manipulated its share of the     products and software (File photo)  ware, an approach sometimes referred to as a
        market to undermine competitors’ products and                                              “walled garden”.
        advantage its own, according to the DOJ.     es because companies violate the antitrust laws,”   The company argues that this helps give users
            Instead  of  competing with rivals by offering   US Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a   a more seamless experience, but the DOJ said on
        more affordable services, federal and state author-  statement. “If left unchallenged, Apple will only   Thursday that the corporation has achieved its gar-
        ities allege that Apple imposed “a series of shape-  continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly.”  gantuan status in part by flouting antitrust laws.
        shifting rules and restrictions” to “extract higher   Notably, the suit marks the most ambitious   “Today’s lawsuit seeks to hold Apple account-
        fees, thwart innovation, offer a less secure or de-  antitrust effort by the Biden administration so far,   able and ensure it cannot deploy the same, unlaw-
        graded user experience, and throttle competitive   which has promised to roll back corporate consoli-  ful playbook in other vital markets,” he added.
        alternatives.”                               dation in sectors such as technology that critics say   Following the development, Apple’s stock price
            “Consumers should not have to pay higher pric-  have made it all but impossible for smaller rivals to   fell by little over 3 per cent, Al Jazeera reported.

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