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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 34

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                             ACHYUTA RAJARAM                                                         JESSE SINGH

                  Indian-American grabs                                           Sikh Leader visits India for

            top slot in Regeneron Science                                      assurance of community safety

                           Talent Search                                        essee Singh, an eminent Ameri-

                                                                                can Sikh leader, visited India re-
                                                                            Jcently and has said that the Indi-
                                                                            an government assured him that it is
                                                                            committed to the safety and security
                                                                            of the community across the world.
                                                                            Leading a Sikh delegation, Singh
                                                                            met Union Home Minister Amit
                                                                            Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath
                                                                            Singh and External Affairs Minister
                                                                            S Jaishankar.
                                                                                Singh met senior Indian leaders
                                                                            and the delegation talked about how
                                                                            the Sikh diaspora can help India and
                                                                            be part of this growth. “We received
                                                                            a very positive and warm response.
                                                                            External Affairs Minister Jaishankar
                                                                            told us that the Indian Government
                                                                            is committed to the safety and secu-
                                                                            rity of the Sikh community wherever
                                                                            they are in the world,” he said.
                                                                               “During our meetings, we focused on  development in  Punjab and  its
                                                                            economic development. Punjab has suffered a lot during its militancy move-
                                                                            ment,” he said.
                                                                                Singh refused the allegations by a section of the Sikh community in the
              chyuta Rajaram won the top award and took home a whopping $250,000   US and Canada that they are being mistreated in India. “That is certainly not
              in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, the nation’s oldest and most
        Aprestigious science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) compe-  the case. No doubt like other communities, Sikhs also have their own issues.
                                                                            Sikhs are enjoying the same rights as any other citizens of India,” he said.
        tition. President George HW Bush called the competition the “Super Bowl of   Singh said the Sikh American community is ready to help in the develop-
        science.”                                                           ment of Punjab and Amritsar in particular. He announced 100 scholarships
            Rajaram’s winning project, an automatic method to determine which
        parts of a computer model makes decisions, aims to illuminate how these   for the youths of Amritsar. Sikhs of America has decided to adopt two roads
        algorithms are “thinking” and make them more effective, safe and equitable   of Amritsar for cleanliness.
                                                                                The mission of Sikhs of America Inc. is to raise awareness, share cultural
        as a result.                                                        and historical Sikh values while recognizing the contributions made by Sikhs
            Riya Tyagi, of Short Hills, New Jersey, won $25,000 for being in the top
        40 finalists. Her project focused on using computer vision to investigate how   as being part of the bigger American Society, and to connect with the com-
        AI determines patients’ race and ethnicity, with the goal of enabling the de-  munity more strongly promoting peace and brotherhood.
        velopment of more ethical AI-powered healthcare software.                                  NITHYA RAMAN
            Representing 36 schools across 19 states, the finalists spent the week
        meeting with competition judges and other scientists as well as touring con-  Councilmember wins re-election
        gressional offices and monuments and visiting the Smithsonian Natural His-
        tory Museum and Johns Hopkins and Georgetown universities.
            The competition, now in its 83rd year, has consistently identified young   of Los Angeles City Council
        innovators who become tomorrow’s STEM leaders.
            The 2024 finalists demonstrated extensive scientific knowledge through   os Angeles City Councilmember Nithya Raman has won her bid for a
        research and interviews while showcasing their commitment to addressing   second term. She was up against Deputy City Attorney Ethan Weaver
        societal issues, passion for discovery, noteworthy leadership and community  Land software engineer Levon “Lev” Baronian for the L.A. Council Dis-
        involvement.                                                        trict 4 seat.
            Forty finalists, including Achyuta, were honored during an award cere-  Raman thanked her supporters, her campaign volunteers and the dis-
        mony emceed by American Broadcaster Soledad O’Brien. More than $1.8   trict’s residents, saying her conversations with voters during the campaign
        million was awarded to the finalists, who were selected from among the larg-  showed that the city is “full of hope and possibility.”
        est entrant pool since the 1960s through a holistic evaluation process.                                      Continued on next page... >>

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