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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 29, 2024 | The Indian Eye 32
NYC Adams Demands Water Bill Dodgers
to Pay Debt or Risk Losing Water Access
City to Issue 2,400 Water Shutoff Notices to Chronically-Delinquent Customers
who owe Total of $102 Million in Unpaid Water Bills
ew York City Mayor Eric
Adams and New York City
NDepartment of Environmen-
tal Protection (DEP) Commissioner
Rohit T. Aggarwala have announced
that the city has initiated the next
phase of its expanded collection en-
forcement actions against approxi-
mately 2,400 chronically-delinquent
water service accounts that owe the
city a total of $102 million. As part of
the effort, DEP will send out ‘Water
Shutoff Notices’ to these customers,
informing them that water service to
their property could be shut off un-
less the entire owed amount is paid
or they enter into a payment agree-
ment within the next 15 days. This
enforcement action is targeted to-
wards commercial properties, includ-
ing hotels, office buildings, and retail
spaces, as well as one-to-three family
homes that have not responded to
any of DEP’s extensive outreach ef- DEP Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala
forts over the past year. Earlier this
year, DEP sent out ‘Water Shutoff
Warning’ letters, which resulted in bors and their city.” $22 million in interest. Of the nearly tionally, a loss of water could impact
the agency recouping more than $3 “DEP is serious about collecting 200,000 customers who owed mon- a property’s heating system; owners
million dollars from more than 400 the outstanding money owed from ey on late water bills when the pro- should consult whoever maintains
overdue accounts. delinquent accounts and we will be gram started, more than 50 percent the property’s boiler or furnace as to
“We gave these delinquent cus- shutting off water service for custom- participated in the popular program whether any special actions must be
tomers a chance to clear their water ers that don’t resolve their overdue — bringing in nearly $105 million in taken if there is a loss of water.
debts and save millions on interest bills,” said DEP Commissioner Ag- payments from substantially past due Money recouped through en-
through our water amnesty program, garwala. “Delinquent customers who accounts. To help low-income cus- forcement actions will be used by
and while more than 100,000 took us refuse to pay their water bills force tomers, during the amnesty program, DEP to keep water rates low for all
up on our reasonable offer, a small everyone else to pay higher rates. DEP granted $8 million in additional customers, and all bill payments are
percentage of customers incorrectly That is simply not right, and it must billing credits to those accounts that used to fund maintenance, upgrades,
made the mistake of thinking they stop. Everyone must pay their fair had participated in New York state’s and repairs to almost 15,000 miles of
could get away with stiffing their share to support our critical water Low Income Homeowner Water As- water and sewer mains, 19 reservoirs,
fellow New Yorkers without any ac- system.” sistance Program. 12,000 rain gardens, and 14 waste-
countability,” said Mayor Adams. During the pandemic, DEP saw Shutting off water service can water resource recovery facilities.
“We’re not going to allow big com- a significant increase in the number have serious consequences and may Nearly half the population of New
mercial properties and others leave and balance of delinquent accounts. subject property owners to code vio- York state enjoys New York City’s
the rest of us holding their water The total of delinquent payments lations by the New York City Depart- tap water.
bills. DEP is sending ‘Water Shutoff nearly doubled to $1.2 billion, which ment of Buildings, the New York City Customers with chronically de-
Notices’ to 2,400 chronically-delin- threatened the operations and capi- Department of Health and Mental linquent water bills who previously
quent customers who owe over $102 tal needs of a service the city could Hygiene, and the Fire Department of received a ‘Water Shutoff Warning’
million in unpaid bills. While we aim not survive without. In 2023, DEP the City of New York, as well as the letter in the mail are now receiving
to work with these customers one initiated a successful amnesty pro- potential for an Order to Vacate the a ‘Water Shutoff Notice’ instructing
last time, we will not look away while gram that helped more than 100,000 Premises. Water service shutoffs may them to resolve their outstanding
landlords and property owners ig- New Yorkers reduce their water bill also affect a property owner’s insur- balances or enter into a payment
nore their obligations to their neigh- debts, while saving them more than ance policy and/or mortgage. Addi- agreement with DEP within 15 days.