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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 30

          5 Indian Americans feature in the list of ‘The

          Top 25 Women Chief Digital Officers of 2024’

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 current job as Chief Digital Officer, she worked as
                                                                                                   Director of Technology of the James Irvine Founda-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                   tion for three years, where she was recruited to drive
                 omen We Admire announced The Top 25                                               a complete transformation of IT team, systems, and
                 Women Chief Digital Officers of 2024 -                                            operations for this foundation committed to enhanc-
        Wthese leaders are instrumental in leading                                                 ing the quality of life for people in California. Before
        digital transformation initiatives within their respec-                                    that, she served as VP of Technology for Charming
        tive organizations. Their experience and expertise                                         Charlie, a specialty retailer that grew from 17 to 120
        foster  innovation  and  drive  disruptive  strategies.                                    stores nationally.
        They develop personalized and seamless digital                                                Ekta Chopra holds a BA in technology & op-
        experiences that resonate with their customers, im-                                        erations management and a minor in finance from
        prove engagement, and build brand loyalty.                                                 California Polytechnic State University. She is also
            Sushmita Biswas (USAA), Sehr Thadhani (Nas-                                            a member of Silicon Valley CIO/CTO groups as a
        daq), Ekta Chopra (e.l.f. Beauty), Prama Bhatt (Ulta                                       thought leader.
        Beauty), Reeny Sondhi (Twilio) are named in this illus-                                       Prama Bhatt,  at Ulta Beauty Bhatt alongwith
        trious list which features the leaders whose experience                                    her team reinvented beauty engagement through
        and expertise foster innovation and drive disruptive                                       innovative, reimagined digital and omnichannel ex-
        strategies. They develop personalized and seamless                                         periences. Since joining the Fortune 500 retailer in
        digital experiences that resonate with their custom-  Sehr Thadani has held senior roles across brand   2014, her forward-thinking, visionary approach has
        ers, improve engagement, and build brand loyalty.  strategy, business design, innovation and transforma-  fueled e-commerce growth which now accounts for
            Sushmita Biswas is the Chief Digital Of-  tion at some of the world’s top companies, including   more than 20% of total company sales.
        ficer  (CDO)  of  USAA,  LifeCo.  As  a  Finan-  Nasdaq, where she is the Chief Digital Officer, and   Renee Sondhi is currently responsible for the
        cial Services executive with 20+ years expe-  previously at Google, NBC,  Edelman  Digital,  and   Information and Corporate Security organizations
        rience  in  digital  strategy and  transformation,  Viacom. She has also served as a trusted advisor and   as well as Information Technology. She joined
        product & operations management and data-analytics.  thought partner to some of the world’s top executives   Twilio from Autodesk where she was a chief secu-
            Biswas has driven growth, efficiency and excep-  and leaders at GE, Estee Lauder, Samsung, the De-  rity officer. Sondhi was responsible for driving the
        tional customer experiences in multiple countries  partment of Education, and the White House during   company’s security and trust strategy for its infra-
        spanning the US, UK and Asia. Outside of work,  the Obama Administration. Thadani completed her   structure, products, and services. She previously led
        Sushmita is an Indian Classical dancer, a profession-  BA from Indiana University, Bloomington and did   security engineering for EMC, now part of Dell.
        al actor and an oil and acrylic painter. Passionate  her MBA from Columbia Business School.   Women We Admire provides news and infor-
        about inclusion in diversity, Sushmita is founder of   With over 20+ years of Technology experience   mation on today’s women leaders in business, enter-
        ConnectNDance, Newton -an initiative that con-  from private equity and retail companies, Ekta   tainment, sports, motherhood, medicine, law, and
        nects children across cultures to unite through dance.  Chopra  joined  E.L.F.  in  2016.  Before  having  her   many other fields.

                   5 Indian restaurants make it to top 40 in the list of

                          150 most legendary restaurants in the world

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                    If you are in Lucknow, a visit to legendary
                                                                                                   Tunday Kababi is must for its succulent Galouti
        New York
                                                                                                   kebab, prepared from finely ground keema (lamb
             even Indian restaurants have made it to the                                           or mutton mince). These melt-in-the-mouth
             list of the 150 most legendary restaurants in                                         Galouti kebabs are extremely flavourful. Kolkata’s
        Sthe world. The list was unveiled by Taste At-                                             Peter Cat stands out for its Chelow kebab -- a twist
        las, an experiential travel online guide. According                                        to the Iranian beef kebab dish, replacing the beef
        to the website, these are eateries that “are not just                                      with mutton and chicken. Mavalli Tiffin Rooms,
        places to grab a meal but destinations in their own                                        popularly known as MTR, is another legendary In-
        right, comparable to the world’s most famous mu-                                           dian restaurant, located in Bengaluru. The place
        seums, galleries and monuments.”                Paragon in Kozhikode, Kerala, immensely popular for its   is best known for its delicious Rava idli and Bisi
            Paragon  in Kozhikode, Kerala, immensely         Biryani, occupied the 5th rank on the list  Bele Bath.
        popular for its Biryani, occupied the 5th rank on                                             Figlmuller, a venerable Viennese institution,
        the list. It was followed by Tunday Kababi, Luc-  Paragon in Kozhikode, Kerala, is an emblem  which grabbed the top slot, has earned its reputa-
        know which grabbed the 6th spot. Kolkata’s Pe-  of the region’s rich gastronomic history, celebrat-  tion by specializing in a single dish - the Schnitzel
        ter Cat stood at the 10th rank whereas Amrik’s  ed for its mastery of traditional Malabar cuisine.  Wiener Art - for over a century. The meticulous
        Sukhdev Dhaba in Murthal, a go-to spot for Delhi  The  dish that reigns supreme is  the  biryani,  a  attention to the sourcing of locally bred pork and
        people for their crunchy paranthas, occupied the  blend of rice, meat, and spices, steeped in age-old  the precise cooking method results in a distinctive-
        16th spot. Mavalli Tiffin Rooms in Bengaluru  also  traditions and prepared with locally sourced ingre-  ly light, crispy schnitzel, making it a yardstick for
        made it to the list and grabbed the 32nd rank.   dients,” the guide wrote.                 this Austrian classic.

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