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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 26

         India-US security cooperation will become even more

                important in the years to come: Richard Verma

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            and interoperability will ensure India
                                                                                                              continues to be a provider of net se-
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              curity across the Indo-Pacific region
           ndia-US security cooperation will                                                                  and beyond.
           become  even  more  important                                                                         He further wrote, “We’ve part-
        Iin the years ahead and the work                                                                      nered to  address the climate cri-
        of the two countries on emerging                                                                      sis  and meet the goals of the Paris
        technologies will take on even more                                                                   Agreement by launching the U.S.-In-
        promise, a  top American diplomat                                                                     dia Climate and Clean Energy Agen-
        said on Thursday, reiterating the re-                                                                 da  2030  Partnership.    More  recent-
        marks of President Joe Biden that this                                                                ly, at COP28 in November, Indian
        is the defining partnership of the 21st                                                               and U.S. officials discussed our new
        century.                                                                                              partnership to  help  India electrify
            “As both President Biden and                                                                      50,000 buses and expand access to
        Prime Minister Modi have said, our                                                                    low carbon public transport. In peo-
        impact on each other is important,                                                                    ple-to-people ties, America boasts
        but what we can do for the world is                                                                   well over 4 million Americans of In-
        even more important. Whether it’s                                                                     dian descent.  Last year, the U.S. Em-
        addressing food insecurity or bat-                                                                    bassy issued over one million visas;
        tling the next pandemic or connect-                                                                   and there are now nearly 270,000 In-
        ing millions to the digital economy,                                                                  dian students in the United States.”
        there is so much we can do together,”                                                                     Verma is the highest-ranking In-
        Deputy Secretary of State for Man-                                                                    dian-American ever in the State De-
        agement and Resources, Richard  cooperation will become even more  our collective capabilities, increasing  partment. He was also the first ever
        Verma, wrote in a blog post in his re-  important in  the  years  ahead.   The  our sharing of information, and im-  Indian-American to serve as the US
        cent return from India. Our security  threats we face are real, but building  proving maritime domain awareness  Ambassador to India.

            Group of Indian Americans meet senior officials

                        to address hate crimes against Hindus

                                                                                                              meeting to address the challenging
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              issue of the rise in hate crimes against
        San Francisco, CA                                                                                     Hindu and Jain places of worship. It
        A             of  eminent   Indi-                                                                     inent Indian-Americans.
                                                                                                              was attended by about two dozen em-
              an-Americans in Silicon Valley
              held a special meeting with
        senior officials of the Department of                                                                 Also present were Vincent Plair
        Justice, FBI and police in US. They                                                                   and  Harpreet  Singh  Mokha
        said that the US soil is being used for
        terrorist activities against India. The                                                               from the Department of Jus-
        group held the meeting with senior                                                                    tice’s Community Relations
        officials of the Department of Justice,
        FBI and local police this week on in-                                                                 Service along with FBI officials
        creasing hate crimes against Hindus                                                                   and those from the police de-
        in California.
            During  the   meeting,  Indi-                                                                     partments of San Francisco,
        an-Americans expressed their displea-                                                                 Milpitas, Freemont and Newark
        sure and dissatisfaction that the law
        enforcement agencies in the US have                                                                   attended the meeting.
        not been able to take any action against
        those who are espousing terrorism                                                                        The sudden increase in hate
        activities in India, according to mul-                                                                crimes  against  Indian-Americans  in
        tiple persons present in the meeting.                                                                 general and the Hindus in particular
            Ajai Jain Bhutoria, a communi-                           Ajai Jain Bhutoria                       is causing a lot of fear and anxiety in
        ty  leader, took this  initiative  of  this                                                           the community.

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