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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24




         Innovative program empowers approximately 740 NYC Youth and Educators to Act Locally

                  on Global Issues through Engagements with the United Nations and the World

                                                                                                   NYC Junior Ambassadors are instrumental in ex-
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                   posing our students to challenges across the globe
        NEW YORK, NY                                                                               and allowing them to participate in developing
                                                                                                   their own solutions.”
              ommissioner  Edward  Mermelstein of  the                                                 “The NYC Junior Ambassadors program
              Mayor’s  Office  for  International  Affairs
        Cmarked the start of the 9th program year                                                  embodies our dedication to amplifying youth
                                                                                                   voices in conversations that resonate, from local
        of NYC Junior Ambassadors with the unveiling of                                            neighborhoods to the global stage,” said Chris-
        the 2024 cohort of participating classrooms repre-                                         tie Saint-Vil, Director of Strategic Relationships,
        senting public schools and afterschool programs                                            NYC  Mayor’s  Office  for  International  Affairs.
        across  the  five  boroughs  of  New  York  City.  This                                    “The program exposes our youth to different
        announcement continues Mayor Eric Adams and                                                experiences that will shape their outlook on the
        the Administration’s commitment to young New                                               world for years. We’re excited to welcome the
        Yorkers and their engagement in global affairs and                                         2024 cohort of students and educators to our 9th
        community advocacy.                                                                        program year. Let’s empower the next generation
            The 2024 cohort is diverse across subject ar-
        eas, topics of interest, learning abilities, and other                                     to shape a world that listens to their insights and
        socio-economic spectrums. It will include approxi-                                            “I was very pleased to learn that we will be
        mately 21 classrooms from 7th, 8th, and 9th grades,                                        a NYC Junior Ambassador classroom again this
        totaling nearly 740 students and educators. The                                            year. The program brings such great benefits to
        2024 program year will run from January to June.                                           the students. The most important one is that stu-
        The program is possible through a grant from the                                           dents get to see how what we are learning relates
        New York City’s Mayor’s Fund to Advance New                                                to other people outside the classroom”, said Jeff
        York City via the MSC Foundation.
                                                                                                   Utz, Science Teacher at The Montauk-Junior
                                                                                                   High School 223 (Brooklyn).
        “Our  administration  is  creating  op-                                                       “They will also learn about the United Na-
        portunities  for  young  New  Yorkers                                                      tions and the Sustainable  Development  Goals
                                                                                                   and their importance. Of course, I will teach them
        every day, and the NYC Junior Ambas-                                                       about this, but when they leave the classroom and
        sadors program delivers that for over                                                      visit the UN as well as have an ambassador visit,
                                                                                                   they experience their learning differently. Finally,
        742 young people and educators,”  missioner, NYC Mayor’s Office for International          working with other teachers around the city en-
        said New York City Mayor Eric Adams.         Affairs.                                      hances my teaching and learning as well.”
                                                                                                      “Eagle Academy for Young Men, Southeast
                                                         “This program transforms the lives of par-
        “When young people engage as citi-           ticipants  by  broadening  their  perspectives  and   Queens, is excited to be a part of the 2024 cohort
        zens, they  learn how to advocate for        empowering them to trust their voices while act-  of NYC Junior Ambassadors! Empowering young
                                                     ing  for  the  good of  their  communities  and  the   men to be “Globally Conscious, Globally Com-
        themselves and their communities. I  world. We are grateful to Mayor Eric Adams for        petitive”
        want to congratulate the new cohort          his vision for New York City youth and educa-     is a core part of our mission,” said Patrice Mc-
                                                     tors. Together, we are creating a legacy of global   Cullough, Educator, Eagle Academy for Young
        of NYC Junior Ambassadors — thanks  citizens.”                                             Men III (Southeast Queens, Queens South Dis-
                                                         “New York City is truly an international city
        to you, our city and our world will be       due to its unique relationship with the United   trict 29.) “Eagle SEQ Scholars are taught to take
                                                                                                   pride in their families, friends, community, and
        in good hands.”                              Nations, its diverse immigrant communities from   most of all, themselves.
                                                     across the globe, and its booming tourist sector    Through their leadership, they blaze a trail
            “My team and I are thrilled to welcome the  serving thousands of visitors from abroad,” said   for others to follow. Partnering with The NYC
        2024  cohort  of  NYC Junior  Ambassadors.  Em-  Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Ana J. Al-  Mayor’s  Office  for  International  Affairs,  the
        powering young New Yorkers is a core part of our  manzar.                                  Department of Youth and Community Develop-
        mission. We are happy to collaborate with our sis-  “As a result, the city’s young people are   ment,  the  United  Nations,  and  the  United  Na-
        ter agencies, the United Nations, and other stake-  well-positioned to become future leaders in pub-  tions Foundation further supports Eagle
        holders to give our youth and educators unprec-  lic service, business, and environmental justice.    Academy SEQ’s mission to expose our young
        edented opportunities to experience life beyond  I know firsthand from my own experience at the   men to opportunities and a world that goes be-
        their zip code,” said Edward Mermelstein, Com-  United Nations during college that programs like   yond the walls of their inner-city community.”

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