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North                       The Indian Eye


         20                                                                                                                MARCH 29, 2024


                                OF LIFESTYLE MEDICINE PROGRAM,


           Citywide Lifestyle Medicine Program Can Accommodate Nearly 4,000 Patients per Year; Program Provides Patients
         Tools to Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Including Access to Plant-Based Diet Resources and One-On-One Counseling

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric
              Adams and NYC Health +
        NHospitals today announced
        its nationally recognized Lifestyle
        Medicine Program has launched a
        new location at NYC Health + Hos-
        pitals/Lincoln, marking the first time
        the program is available in the South
        Bronx. The program is now active at
        seven sites across the five boroughs,
        with six  new locations previously
        launched: NYC Health + Hospitals/
        Jacobi in the Bronx; NYC Health
        + Hospitals/Woodhull and NYC
        Health + Hospitals/Kings County
        in Brooklyn; NYC Health + Hospi-
        tals/Elmhurst in  Queens; and  NYC
        Health + Hospitals/Gotham Health,
        Vanderbilt on Staten Island. The pilot
        program — launched at NYC Health
        + Hospitals/Bellevue in 2019 with
        the  support  of  then-Brooklyn  Bor-
        ough President Adams — has already   have seen up close how chronic dis-  every borough of the city, gives peo-  all over the city, have the tools they
        served hundreds of patients. Togeth-  ease can hijack your life. My mother   ple hope to not just manage their con-  need to live long and healthy lives.”
        er, the program’s seven sites will serve   reversed her Type 2 diabetes thanks   dition but potentially bring that con-  In addition to the citywide Life-
        approximately 4,000 patients each   in part to a plant-based diet and life-  dition into remission. Thank you to   style Medicine expansion, May-
        year, providing them with tools and   style changes, and a plant-based life-  the teams executing this work and for   or Adams continues to advance a
        support to prevent and manage com-  style helped save my life. Pill boxes,  doing  so  with an  equity-focused ap-  larger strategy around plant-based
        mon chronic conditions, such as Type   prescriptions, injections, and endless   proach tailored to each community.”  nutrition and further integration of
        2 diabetes and high blood pressure.  appointments should not define the   “I am so excited to celebrate the   Lifestyle  Medicine  into  health  care
            The  Lifestyle  Medicine  Pro-  lives of New Yorkers. Now, families   city’s latest lifestyle medicine site,”  more broadly. In December 2022,
        gram’s team supports patients in   in the South Bronx, and across New   said  Mayor’s  Office  of  Food  Policy   Mayor Adams announced a partner-
        making   evidence-based  lifestyle  York City, will have access to the care   Executive Director Kate MacKenzie.  ship with the Mayor’s Office and the
        changes, including a healthful plant-  they need. New York City is leading  “The evidence is clear that lifestyle   American College of Lifestyle Medi-
        based diet, increased physical ac-  the nation  by  expanding  these  life-  medicine programming is helping pa-  cine to offer every health care prac-
        tivity, improved sleep habits, stress   style medicine programs, and, to-  tients treat chronic and diet-related   titioner across New York City free
        reduction, avoidance of substance   gether, we are building a healthier,  diseases. Core tenets of the program,  foundational training in the princi-
        use, and stronger social connections.  more prosperous future for all.”  such as produce ‘prescriptions’ and   ples of lifestyle medicine, with a par-
        Adults living with prediabetes, Type 2   “We all  have a  loved  one,  fam-  nutrition counseling are also helping   ticular focus on plant-based nutrition.
        diabetes, high blood pressure, heart   ily member, colleague, or friend   combat nutrition insecurity in our city.  Additionally,  in  June  2023,  Mayor
        disease, or health concerns related   that has a diet-related chronic con-  This fantastic addition to the Mott   Adams advanced a resolution at the
        to excess weight are eligible to enroll.  dition like heart disease or Type 2   Haven community of this program   U.S. Conference of Mayors that was
           “Today, we are again sending a   diabetes,” said Deputy Mayor for   at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln   adopted and detailed the adminis-
        clear message that New York City   Health and Human Services Anne   demonstrates our  administration’s   tration’s work across school food,
        will not stand by and keep feeding   Williams-Isom. “That’s why today’s   fierce  commitment  to  equitable  ac-  the Lifestyle Medicine Program ex-
        the chronic disease crisis,” said May-  announcement is so remarkable; our   cess to health care and to ensuring   pansion,  and  in-patient plant-based
        or Adams. “This is personal for me: I   Lifestyle Medicine Program, now in   that New Yorkers in the Bronx, and   meals at city run hospitals.

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