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COMMUNITY OP-ED MARCH 29, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
Giving a Raise for New York City’s
Human Services Workers
This work is 24/7. It can be thankless, and it is often mentally and physically
exhausting, but it is absolutely essential. It is no exaggeration to say that these men and
women are the hands and hearts of New York City. We owe them everything
hen I was a child, my family As part of our multi-billion child care blueprint, we reduced the per child co-payment or out-of-pocket cost of subsidized child care for a family of
lived on the edge of home- four earning $55,000 a year from $55 a week in 2022 to $4.80 a week (File photo)
Wlessness. My five siblings
and I would go to school with black
trash bags full of our clothes in case York City. We owe them everything. ing New Yorkers, we should make ers and secure an enhancement of
we were evicted from our apartment. When we came into office two sure that you get paid fairly. Because the New York City Earned Income
I am mayor of the City of New York years ago, we had a mission: protect of this new investment and past wage Tax Credit, benefitting over 800,000
today because human services work- public safety, rebuild our economy, enhancements we made for the sec- families and strengthening the city’s
ers were there to support my family and make this city more livable for tor, we have now invested $1.4 billion social safety net. That’s money for
when we needed it most. Standing everyday New Yorkers. But for too to improve pay for human service families to put towards rent, bills,
up for these workers as their mayor long, the pay of our human services workers. and groceries.
is not just a professional concern for workers has not even kept up with This is how we build equity and As part of our multi-billion child
me; it is personal, too. the rising cost of living. give workers the support they de- care blueprint, we reduced the per
But it wasn’t just my family. Hu- Last week, we changed that by serve. And this is what it looks like child co-payment or out-of-pocket
man services workers were there for once again delivering on our vision to help our nonprofit partners attract cost of subsidized child care for a
all of us during the pandemic. When to make this city more livable and and retain top talent going forward. family of four earning $55,000 a year
so many were in isolation, they were putting money back into the pockets This announcement builds on from $55 a week in 2022 to $4.80 a
endangering their health as they of these working-class New Yorkers. our administration’s track record week. Now, parents don’t have to
worked with New Yorkers in need. We announced that our adminis- of standing with working-class New decide between their career or child
Today, they are helping our neigh- tration will be investing $741 million Yorkers and not only ensuring that care.
bors get mental health care, connect- to deliver fair wages for the more they get paid fairly for their hard I am proud to be a blue-collar
ing our homeless brothers and sisters than 80,000 nonprofit employees work, but also finding ways to get mayor, and by offering fair pay, we
with housing, running community working within this city — finally more money back in their pockets. In are creating a fairer and more equi-
centers across the five boroughs, car- giving our human services workers two years, we have negotiated histor- table city for all. By delivering on our
ing for asylum seekers, and so much the pay raise they have earned. This ic contracts with unions representing vision for a more livable city, we are
more. will amount to a 9.27 percent pay in- 95 percent of the city’s workforce and ensuring that New York City is not
This work is 24/7. It can be crease over the next three years. This 100 percent of the city’s uniformed only the greatest city in the world to
thankless, and it is often mentally was a day one priority of our admin- workforce, and we have hit this mile- live, but also one of the greatest plac-
and physically exhausting, but it is istration, and it is going to lift up a stone faster than any administration es to work, especially for those who
absolutely essential. It is no exagger- workforce that is majority women in modern history. sacrifice so much for all of us.
ation to say that these men and wom- and women of color. We also fulfilled a campaign Eric Adams is the Mayor of
en are the hands and hearts of New If you dedicate your life to serv- pledge to work with Albany lawmak- New York City, NY