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OPINION                                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 14

        Gaza Strip in return for a permanent
        ceasefire with Israel.

                  GAZA WAR.
              gypt had worked in coopera-
              tion with Arab countries and
        Ealso, the US to de-escalate the
        conflict  between  Hamas  and  Israel.
        Egypt actively worked with Qatar
        and the US to de-escalate the conflict
        and  increase  the  flow  of  aid  to  the
        Palestinians. After a series of negotia-
        tions in Doha, they were successful in
        achieving the first breakthrough that
        led to the agreement between Hamas
        and Israel to exchange prisoners and
        hostages and establish a ‘humanitari-
        an pause.’ The ‘humanitarian pause’
        lasted for seven days, from Novem-
        ber 24 to November 30, 2023, while
        Hamas released more than 100 hos-
        tages and Israel freed about 150 Pal-
        estinian prisoners.
            The ‘humanitarian pause’ did
        not convert into a ‘permanent truce’
        because Israel continued its air   Due to persistent efforts and persuasion from other nations, the Israeli government approved humanitarian aid through the Rafah border (File photo)
        strikes on central and southern Gaza
        and Hamas retained the remaining
            Egypt  also  participated  in  the
        Foreign Ministers Meeting con-
        ceived  by  Saudi  Arabia  which  was
        held on February 6, 2024, in Riyadh
        to propose a Joint Peace Plan for the
        post-Gaza War.

        The countries that participated
        in the meeting were Qatar, the
        UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan

        along with the Palestinian Au-
        thority. The plan included the
        rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip
        and the establishment of a Pal-

        estinian state. However, the
        plan did not mention the role of
        Hamas in the establishment of              The ‘humanitarian pause’ did not convert into a ‘permanent truce’ because Israel continued its air strikes on central and
        a Palestinian state.                                       southern Gaza and Hamas retained the remaining hostages (File photo)

            Due to persistent efforts and      Egyptian initiatives like oth-        CONCLUSION               It helped Egypt regain its centrality in
        persuasion from other nations, the   er efforts have limited success as                               the security and geopolitical affairs
        Israeli government approved human-  the war continued in Gaza, and so   t is important to note that the geo-  of the region and ultimately helped
        itarian aid through the Rafah border.   has the catastrophic humanitarian   politics of West Asia has always   Egypt enhance its power in the region.
        It allowed the UN and other groups,   crisis. With war spreading towards  Ibeen complex. Egypt’s initiatives   Anushka is a Research Intern at Indian
        like the Palestine Red Crescent So-  the south of the Gaza Strip and the   to promote peace and stability in the   Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.
        ciety, to provide humanitarian aid.   Israeli plan to invade Rafah, the   region are significant in understand-  Views expressed are personal.
        Besides, the lifting of the siege on the   tension between Egypt and Israel is   ing its national interests and desire
        Gaza Strip for medical aid facilitated   rising.                    to revive itself as the regional leader.   This article first appeared in the View-
        the procedure for safe and sustain-   Recently,  Egypt  warned to  sus-  Egypt acted as an essential player in   point section of the website (www.icwa.
        able access to humanitarian and re-  pend its peace treaty with Israel in   peace negotiations, particularly for   in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
        lief assistance in the Gaza Strip.   case of Israeli hostility in Rafah city.  hostage release and humanitarian aid.   New Delhi

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