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NATION                                                                MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

                                      INDIA-BHUTAN RELATIONS

         With an eye on China, Modi bats for shared

              culture and heritage during Bhutan visit

                         Modi assures the Himalayan country of support at every step to make

                               both BB i.e. “Brand Bhutan and Bhutan Believe” successful.

        OUR BUREAU
        Thimphu (Bhutan)
               ing of Bhutan conferred on
               Friday Prime Minister Nar-
        Kendra Modi the Order of the
        Druk Gyalpo, the highest honor of
        the Himalayan country. As per rank-
        ing and precedence established, the
        Order of the Druk Gyalpo was insti-
        tuted as the decoration for lifetime
        achievement and is the pinnacle of
        the  honor  system  in  Bhutan,  taking
        precedence over all orders, decora-
        tions and medals.
            Earlier PM Modi, who is on
        a two-day state visit had called on
        Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel
        Wangchuck at the Tashichho Dzong
        Palace in Thimphu.
            He also attended a cultural pro-
        gramme at the Tendrelthang Festival
        Ground in the presence of Bhutan                    Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets after he was conferred with the ‘Order of Druk Gyalpo’
        King.                                                  by King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, in Thimphu on Friday (ANI)
            Earlier, PM Modi received a
        rousing welcome from the people
        who turned out in large numbers to    The members of the Indian     ago when I came to this Land of the   PM Modi also held a meeting
        accord a warm reception in Bhutan.   community on meeting PM Modi ex-  Thunder Dragon.”               with his Bhutanese counterpart,
        In an unprecedented welcome for   pressed their happiness and said that   Affirming  India’s  support  for   Tshering Tobgay and reviewed bi-
        PM Modi in Bhutan, people lined up   they felt honored to meet PM Modi.   Bhutan, he said, “The aspirations and   lateral ties. The two leaders reaf-
        the streets across the entire stretch of   India and Bhutan share a unique   goals of the youth of India and Bhu-  firmed  their  commitment  to  further
        45 kilometers from Paro to Thimphu.   and exemplary bilateral relationship   tan are similar. India has set a target   strengthen the multifaceted partner-
        Hundreds of locals awaited Prime   founded on mutual trust, goodwill,   of becoming a developed country by   ship between India and Bhutan.
        Minister Modi’s arrival at the palace.  and understanding.          2047, while Bhutan has set a target   PM Modi and Tobgay held discus-
            After he arrived at the Tashich-  Modi who is on a State visit to   of  becoming  a  high-income  country   sions on various aspects of the multi-
        ho Dzong Palace earlier today, PM   Bhutan on Friday said that the aspira-  by  2034.  To  fulfill  your  goal,  India   faceted bilateral relations and forged
        Modi received a ceremonial welcome   tions and goals of the youth of India   is standing with you at every step to   an understanding to further enhance
        there. PM Modi also received a spe-  and Bhutan are similar and assured   make both BB i.e. Brand Bhutan and   cooperation in sectors such as re-
        cial welcome at his Hotel in Thimphu   the Himalayan country of support at   Bhutan Believe successful.”  newable energy, agriculture, youth
        as youngsters from Bhutan gave a   every step to make both BB i.e. Brand   He stated that India and Bhu-  exchange, environment and forestry,
        cultural performance of Garba on the   Bhutan and Bhutan Believe success-  tan are parts of shared heritage and   and tourism, according to the Minis-
        song written by PM Modi. Making   ful.”                             highlighted the Buddha connection   try of External Affairs press release.
        the Gujarati folk dance more grace-   In his address at Tashichho Dz-  between the two nations. PM Modi   Formal diplomatic ties between
        ful, youngsters wore Gujarat’s tradi-  ong Palace here, PM Modi recalled   said, “India and Bhutan are parts of   the two countries were established in
        tional attire, Ghagra-choli and Kurta   his first visit to Bhutan as the Prime   a shared heritage. India is the birth-  1968, with the cornerstone being the
        Paijama.                          Minister of India in 2014. “The rela-  place of Lord Buddha. It is the place   Treaty of Friendship and Coopera-
            The performance was staged after   tions of Bhutan and India are as an-  where Lord Buddha attained Nir-  tion signed in 1949 and subsequently
        PM Modi interacted with the mem-  cient as they are new. After becoming   vana. Whereas, Bhutan is the place   renewed in February 2007.
        bers of the Indian diaspora and the   the Prime Minister of India in 2014,   which embraced and conserved the   Over the years, high-level ex-
        local people of Bhutan who gathered   Bhutan  was  the  first  foreign  coun-  teachings of Lord Buddha. It has kept   changes have played a pivotal role in
        to welcome him outside the Hotel in   try  I visited. I remember the warm   alive the tradition of Vajrayana Bud-  nurturing the strong bond between
        Bhutan’s national capital, Thimphu.  welcome I had received 10 years   dhism.”                        India and Bhutan.

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