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NATION                                                                MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                            INDIA-CHINA TENSION

          Traders, people boycott Chinese products

                this Holi as tensions rise over Tawang

         US says it recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as Indian territory and “strongly opposes” any

                       unilateral attempts to advance territorial claims by China across LAC

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
              his year’s Holi is all about ‘Made in India,’
              with traders and consumers boycotting goods
        Tmanufactured in China. Praveen Khandelw-
        al, Secretary General, Confederation of All India
        Traders (CAIT) on Friday said that for this year’s
        Holi festival only products that are manufactured
        in India are being sold in abundance.
           “Traders and consumers have boycotted goods
        made in China. Only herbal colors, gulal, water
        guns, balloons, sandalwood, puja items, clothing,
        and other items made in India are being sold in
        abundance. Additionally, there is a huge demand
        for sweets, dry fruits, gift items, flowers and fruits,
        clothes, furnishing fabrics, groceries, FMCG prod-
        ucts,  consumer durables,  and various  other  prod-
        ucts in the markets,” Khandelwal said.
            Khandelwal, who is also the BJP candidate
        from Chandni Chowk Lok Sabha seat, said that
        large-scale Holi events are being organized across
        Delhi and the rest of the country, resulting in a   Defense Minister Rajnath Singh poses for a group picture recently with the troops during his visit to forward posts at Tawang
        boost for banquet halls, farmhouses, hotels, restau-
        rants, and public parks, witnessing good business                          War Memorial in Arunachal Pradesh (ANI)
        after two years.
           “In Delhi alone, more than 3,000 Holi celebra-  Bheem, and similar characters, and there is a high   Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson, Pa-
        tion events are being organized, where people are   demand for spray gulal,” he said.      tel said, “The United States recognizes Arunachal
        experiencing a new joyous and enthusiastic atmo-  Meanwhile, the United States has said    Pradesh as Indian territory and we strongly oppose
        sphere,” he said.                             that it recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as Indi-  any unilateral attempts to advance territorial claims
            He also informed that compared to previous   an territory and “strongly opposes” any uni-  by incursions or encroachments, military or civilian,
        years, “There’s an estimated increase of nearly 50   lateral attempts to advance territorial claims   across the Line of actual Control.”
        per cent in business during the Holi season nation-  by China across the Line of actual Control.  Time and again India has rejected China’s territo-
        wide, resulting in a business worth more than Rs   US  State  Department  Principal  Deputy   rial claims over Arunachal Pradesh, asserting that the
        50,000 crore.”                                Spokesperson Vedant Patel’s statement came a few   state is an integral and inalienable part of the country.
           “In Delhi alone, the expected business is around   days after the Chinese military repeated its claim   The Ministry of External Affairs in an official
        Rs 5,000 crore. Similar to previous years, both trad-  over the northeast state after Prime Minister Nar-  statement on Tuesday noted that the people of
        ers and common people have completely boycotted   endra Modi made a visit to the state and launched   Arunachal Pradesh will “continue to benefit” from
        Chinese goods sold during Holi. The import of Ho-  development projects.                   India’s development programmes and infrastruc-
        li-related items in the country is approximately Rs   Earlier this week, the Chinese defense ministry   ture projects.
        10,000 crore, which was negligible this year,” he said.  reiterated its claim over Arunachal Pradesh, term-  “We have noted the comments made by the
            The CAIT Secretary General also said      ing the Indian State as as “Zangan- an inherent   Spokesperson of the Chinese Defense Ministry ad-
        that demand for chemical-free colors, herb-   part of China’s territory,” saying, Beijing “never   vancing absurd claims over the territory of the Indi-
        al colors, and gulal is more compared to ar-  acknowledges  and  firmly  opposes”  the  “so-called   an State of Arunachal Pradesh. Repeating baseless
        tificial  colors,  and  demand  for  balloons  and   Arunachal Pradesh illegally established by India”.  arguments in this regard does not lend such claims
        water guns is higher than in previous years.    “Zangnan is China’s inherent territory, and Chi-  any validity,” said the official spokesperson of MEA,
           “Various types of water guns, balloons, and oth-  na never recognizes and firmly opposes India’s illegal   Randhir Jaiswal.
        er attractive items are available in the market. Pres-  establishment of the so-called ‘Arunachal Pradesh’,”   “Arunachal Pradesh was, is and will always be
        sure guns are available from Rs 100 to Rs 350, while   said spokesperson of the Ministry of National De-  an integral and inalienable part of India. Its peo-
        tank-shaped water guns are available from Rs 100   fense Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang on March 15.  ple will continue to benefit from our development
        to Rs 400. Besides, there is a craze for fancy pipes   When questioned about the same, during a daily   programmes and infrastructure projects,” the state-
        in the market. Children like Spiderman, Chhota   press briefing on Wednesday (local time), the State   ment added.

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