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BIG STORY                                                             MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    5

            Meanwhile, Sunita Kejriwal, the                                                                   said the official.
        wife of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind                                                                       On Friday, Punjab CM Bhag-
        Kejriwal who was held by the En-                                                                      want Mann reached Kejriwal’s res-
        forcement Directorate (ED) in the                                                                     idence to meet his family members.
        alleged excise policy scam a day be-                                                                  After the arrest of Kejriwal by the
        fore,  on  Friday  said  that  the  arrest                                                            Enforcement Directorate in the al-
        of her husband is a “betrayal” with                                                                   leged liquor policy scam on Thursday
        the people who have elected him to                                                                    late at night, the Aam Aadmi Party
        power thrice. Sunita, in a post on X,                                                                 has called for huge protests in Delhi
        hit out at Prime Minister Narendra                                                                    as well as across the country.
        Modi, saying that Kejriwal was ar-                                                                        Meanwhile, labelling the Del-
        rested due to the PM’s “arrogance of                                                                  hi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest as
        power.”                                                                                               a  ‘mockery  of  democracy’,  Rajya
            “Modiji got your thrice elected                                                                   Sabha MP and Senior advocate Kapil
        Chief Minister arrested out of arro-                                                                  Sibal on Thursday said that the Delhi
        gance of power. He is trying to crush                                                                 liquor policy case in which Kejriwal
        everyone. This is a betrayal of the                                                                   has been arrested holds no ground
        people of Delhi. Your Chief Minister                                                                  as there is no substantial proof in the
        has always stood with you,” she said                                                                  case.
        in a post in Hindi.                 AAP supporters protest against the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal in New Delhi on Friday (ANI)  Asking the INDIA alliance to
            She further said that Arvind Ke-                                                                  come together against the action on
        jriwal’s life is dedicated to the coun-  Thursday in the money laundering   minister Arvind Kejriwal over re-  Kejriwal, Sibal said, “INDIA Alli-
        try, whether he is inside the jail or   case related to the alleged liquor pol-  ports that anti-social elements could   ance has to decide what to do. I have
        outside.                          icy scam.                         hijack the protest to create chaos in   been saying since the beginning that
            After Delhi Chief Minister was                                                                    the alliance has to come together
                                              “Prior to the arrest of Arvind
        arrested, INDIA bloc leaders met   Kejriwal by the Enforcement Direc-  the national capital. A senior official   against all of this. This is a zero case.
                                                                            confirmed that intelligence agencies
        with the Election Commission of   torate, the High Court had also re-  have been keeping watch on the   The whole case is based on the state-
        India on  Friday and demanded its   fused to pass orders granting interim   movement of protesters from oth-  ments of the approvers. The approv-
        intervention in the “targeting of   protection from the coercive action   er states, especially from Punjab, as   ers statements are not considered,
        opposition leaders” by the ruling   against him in the said case,” the plea   many AAP leaders have given calls   unless there is a substantial proof,
        Bharatiya Janata Party through the   said, noting that after Kejriwal’s ar-  for protest and requested workers   there are no proofs in this case”, he
        “misuse of central agencies”.     rest, Delhi Minster Atishi has given   from other states to march towards   said.
            The representation to the ECI                                                                         Criticizing the BJP for its role in
        was made by Congress General      interviews to various channels stating   Delhi. Other party workers might   the electoral bonds case, Sibal stat-
                                          and affirming that Kejriwal will not
                                                                            also come along with them.
        Secretary KC Venugopal, Abhishek   resign from his post and, if needed,   “We are vigilant and in touch   ed, “Instead of arresting those they
        Singhvi, NCP (SCP) leader Jitendra   will run the government from jail.  with state police over the movement   should have, they purchased bonds
        Awhad, CPI (M) leader Sitaram Ye-     “She further said ‘Arvind Kejriw-  of protesters. Because of the ongoing   from them. With the scheme now
        chury, TMC MP Derek O Brien and   al was the Delhi CM, is the CM and   farmer protests, police and intelli-  scrapped, their ability to buy bonds is
        several other leaders.            will continue to remain the CM, he   gence agencies are already on high   gone. This is nothing but a mockery
            After meeting the Election Com-                                                                   of democracy,” he said.
        mission, Congress leader Abhishek   will not resign’ the plea read.  alert. We are  updating  Delhi, Pun-  Congress leader KC Venugopal
                                                                            jab and Haryana police with the sit-
                                              Now, Central intelligence agen-
        Singhvi said that a level playing field   cies are keeping close watch on the   uation and have requested that they   on Friday flayed the arrest of Del-
        is needed for elections, but the ruling   movement of protesters coming to   stop any such movement as it could   hi Chief Minister and AAP leader
        party is not allowing that, which has   Delhi after the arrest of Delhi chief   create chaos in the national capital,”   Arvind Kejriwal, saying that the
        had an impact of free and fair elec-                                                                  Election Commission has become a
        tions. “Almost every opposition party                                                                 weapon of the government for ven-
        is here. This incident happened late                                                                  detta politics against the opposition.
        at night (arrest of Delhi CM). We                                                                     “They (BJP) know they can’t win on
        had a detailed discussion with the                                                                    their own, so they are doing vendet-
        election commission. This isn’t about                                                                 ta politics against opposition lead-
        an individual or any party but it re-                                                                 ers...This is a move to make India
        lates to the basic structure of the con-                                                              an autocratic country,” Venugopal
        stitution. When a level playing field                                                                 further said.
        is needed for an election and you do                                                                      Earlier, Aam Aadmi Party lead-
        not let the field be leveled by misus-                                                                ers, including Delhi Ministers Sau-
        ing agencies, it impacts free and fair                                                                rabh Bharadwaj and Atishi, were
        elections and ultimately democracy,”                                                                  detained by the Delhi police during
        he said.                                                                                              the party protest against the arrest
            In a related development, a pub-                                                                  of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
        lic interest litigation (PIL) was filed                                                               The AAP held a protest at the ITO
        in the Delhi High Court on Friday,                                                                    in the national capital against CM
        seeking the removal of Arvind Kejri-                                                                  Kejriwal’s arrest by ED in the excise
        wal from the Delhi Chief Minister’s                                                                   policy case.
        post after his arrest in an alleged                                                                       The Capital is gripped with ten-
        money laundering case in connection                                                                   sion and it may continue till the first
        with the excise policy. The plea stat-  A multi-party delegation leaves after meeting Election Commission of India in New Delhi on   votes are cast on April 19 and the re-
        ed that Arvind Kejriwal was arrested                   Friday (ANI Photo/Sanjay Sharma)               sults announced on June 4.
        by the Enforcement Directorate on

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