Page 12 - The Indian ETE 032924
P. 12

OPINION                                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 12

                                           Egypt’s Role in

         De-escalating the Israel-Hamas

                                War: An Assessment

          Egypt had worked in cooperation with Arab countries and also, the US to de-escalate

        the conflict between Hamas and Israel. Egypt actively worked with Qatar and the US to

                      de-escalate the conflict and increase the flow of aid to the Palestinians


              he outbreak of the Isra-
              el-Hamas War has resulted in
        Twidespread destruction in the
        Gaza Strip and threatens regional
        stability.  The Hamas attack has rup-
        tured  the  ongoing  ‘normalisation’
        efforts between Israel and the Arab
        countries that came into existence
        with the signing of the Abraham Ac-
        cords in 2020. The ongoing war has
        also negatively impacted the prospect
        of regional economic security. In this
        context, Egypt has taken several ini-
        tiatives to protect its national security,
        resolve the issue of refugees, prevent
        the rise of extremism in its bordering
        region and consolidate its position as
        a regional leader. This paper aims to
        assess Egypt’s motivations to de-esca-
        late the tensions between Israel and
        Hamas and the initiatives it has taken
        in this pursuit.

         MOTIVATIONS FOR EGYPT TO              Egypt is the only country that shares a land border with both Israel and the Gaza Strip. Therefore, it also faces the direct impact of
                 DE-ESCALATE                                 the ongoing Gaza war on national security and economic and political stability (File photo)
              gypt is the only country that   Egypt under President al-Sisi played   the Sinai Peninsula from the Gaza   for the resolution of the Gaza War.
              shares a land border with both   a proactive role in protecting the na-  War, on October 21, 2023, Egypt   It included the release of Israeli hos-
        EIsrael and the Gaza Strip.       tional security and internal stability of   held a Cairo Peace Summit in which   tages and Palestinian prisoners, fol-
        Therefore, it also faces the direct   the country. The ongoing war is also   it proposed a peace process between   lowed by Egypt-sponsored ‘Palestin-
        impact of the ongoing Gaza war on   an opportunity for Egypt under Pres-  Hamas and Israel through military   ian national talk’ aimed at ending the
        national  security and economic  and   ident al-Sisi to revive its stature as a   de-escalation, humanitarian aid, and   division between Palestinian factions
        political stability. The war posed a   regional leader.             a permanent ceasefire. To meet the   (Hamas and the Palestinian Authori-
        significant  challenge  to  the  already                            proposed goals, Egypt sought coop-  ty). The final phase proposed a com-
        fragile Egyptian economy and a new   EGYPT’S INITIATIVES TO DE-     eration from the 34 participants in-  prehensive ceasefire and withdrawal
        security risk in the Sinai Peninsula.   ESCALATE THE GAZA WAR       cluding UAE,  Jordan, Saudi Arabia,   of Israeli troops from the enclave to
        Besides, there is a threat of the rise                              US, and Qatar along with France,   facilitate the return of Palestinians
        of extremism.  Egypt’s government       gypt had taken the following   Germany, the United Kingdom, Ita-  back to their home. However, the
        has increased the deployment of mil-    initiatives to mediate between   ly,  and South Africa along with the   three-stage plan was dead on arrival
        itary and security forces in the Sinai  EIsrael and Hamas to bring   United Nations.                  because Hamas and Islamic Jihad
        Peninsula to tackle the rising threats   peace and stability to the region:   Three-Stage Plan: Egypt later   reportedly rejected the Egyptian pro-
        from Islamist militants, including the   Cairo Peace Summit: Owing to   on December 24, 2023, proposed an   posal, fearing loss of control over the
        Islamic State and the Islamic Jihad.   the security threats to its border in   initiative called the Three-Stage Plan   Continued on next page... >>

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