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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 28

        AAHOA members interact with Shri Thanedar and Ro Khanna

                          during Spring National Advocacy Conference

        OUR BUREAU

        Washington, DC
              sian American Hotel Owners
              Association (AAHOA) orga-
        Anized  the  Spring National  Ad-
        vocacy Conference 2024 (SNAC) with
        more than 200 key leaders and members.
        Organized in Washington DC, SNAC
        connects  AAHOA  leadership  with
        elected officials to identify viable solu-
        tions to the industry’s biggest challenges.
            The Conference opened with a
        legislative learning session at the Ron-
        ald Reagan Building and International
        Trade Center, followed by an evening
        Congressional Reception at the Can-
        non House Office Building and then
        a full day of Congressional meetings.
        AAHOA leaders participated in nearly
        160 in-person Congressional meetings
        with U.S. Senators, Representatives,  AAHOA supports.               for  office.  Khanna  emphasized  how  vides AAHOA leaders the opportuni-
        and their staff, across all party lines.  Senator Roger Marshall and   representation is crucial to serving  ty to learn about the issues impacting
            The congressional reception was  Congressman Ro Khanna were the   Indian-American communities and  our industry and prepares them to
        attended by Congressman Shri Thane-  guest speakers. Congressman Khan-  strengthening America’s economic  have productive, impactful meetings
        dar, who introduced the Loans in Our  na spoke to AAHOA Members     and strategic partnership with India.  with their elected officials on Capitol
        Neighborhoods Act (242) last month.  about his upbringing and what led   “As a champion of advocacy and  Hill. AAHOA’s reputation, influence,
        The LIONS Act is designed to amend  him to run for Congressional Office.   building relationships with elected  and  recognition  in  Washington  con-
        the Small Business Act by increasing   Khanna, the son of Indian im-  officials,  AAHOA  is  proud  to  advo-  tinues to grow, and it is thanks to the
        the maximum gross loan amounts for  migrants, has much in common with   cate on behalf of the hotel industry in  AAHOA Members who take the time
        section SBA 7(a) and 504 loans from  AAHOA members, and champions   the halls of Congress,” said AAHOA  to make advocacy a part of their busi-
        $5 million to $10 million, an initiative  more Indian Americans running   Chairman Bharat Patel. “SNAC pro-  ness plan.”

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