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BUSINESS EYE                                                          MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 38

          How Adani Group is making investments

               to turn India into a green energy hub

                  Mahindra partners with Adani Total Energies E-Mobility to broaden

                                             access to EV charging infrastructure

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Mumbai
              he Adani Group is expected to invest more
              than 70 per cent of its total investments to-
        Twards  green energy, including renewable
        power, green hydrogen, and green evacuation
        transmission line, sources said. The conglomerate is
        building the world’s largest renewable park at Kha-
        vda, Gujarat, spanning over 530+ square km area.
            According to sources, Adani Group plans to
        invest USD 14 billion (Rs 1.2 lakh crore) in the
        2024-25 financial year through its portfolio of 11
        listed companies, in developing the country’s infra-
        structure. The projected capital expenditure is 40
        per cent higher than what it invested in the current
        financial year 2023-24, which is estimated at USD
        10 billion.
            India’s largest infrastructure conglomerate
        with showcase projects like Navi Mumbai Airport,
        Ganga Expressway, the world’s largest renewable
        park at Khavda and Mundra Port has committed a
        USD 100 billion investment over the next 7-10 years.
            This investment is expected to play a pivotal
        role in transforming India’s energy and transpor-
        tation landscape.
            A large portion of total investments is ear-
        marked for expansion and development of its   Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) recently completed operationalization of the 300 MW wind power in Gujarat on Thursday (ANI)
        fast-growing airports business and ports business,
        the sources added.                            ited (ATEL). This collaboration signifies a leap to-  tive Division, M&M.
            With a portfolio boasting 8 airports including   wards building a greener, more sustainable future,   According to Suresh P Manglani, Executive
        the upcoming Navi Mumbai airport and 14 domes-  aligning with India’s ambitious climate action goals.  Director and CEO of Adani Total Gas Ltd, This is
        tic ports, Adani Group wants to further solidify its   The MoU between the two entities will set   one more step towards expanding the footprint of
        presence in these sectors.                    a roadmap for the creation of an expansive EV   Adani Total Gas Ltd in the EV space.
            In the December quarter, it reported a record   charging infrastructure across the country. More-  “The collaboration with M&M for the charging
        quarterly EBITDA growth of 63.6 per cent year-  over, the partnership will also entail rolling out   infrastructure  will  bolster  the  confidence  of  cus-
        on-year, taking its twelve-month EBITDA to an   e-mobility solutions to provide seamless access to   tomers to embrace EV technology as part of the
        all-time high of USD 9.5 billion (Rs 78,823 crore)   the charging network for the customers covering   energy transition. Together, such steps will help
        in calendar year 2023, led by its investments in pre-  discovery, availability, navigation, and transactions,   reduce carbon emissions, and help India meet its
        vious years.                                  according to a joint release.                climate action goals,” said Manglani.
            The net debt to EBITDA at the end of Sep-    With this association, the XUV400 customers   In line with COP 26 commitments, this partner-
        tember was 2.5x, which is expected to further re-  will now have access to more than 1,100 chargers   ship between Mahindra and ATEL is a testament
        duce by the end of 2023-24, due to strong growth.  on  the  ‘Bluesense+  App’,  significantly  enhanc-  to the collaborative efforts required to decarbonize
            With higher investments, it is setting the stage   ing the convenience and reach of electric vehicle   transportation and move towards an electric and
        for exponential growth in the coming years, a   charging for Mahindra EV owners, the release said.  sustainable future.
        source said.                                    “This alliance is a cornerstone in enhancing   At COP26 held in 2021, India committed to an
            In a media statement released in February,  the EV charging infrastructure, ensuring our cus-  ambitious five-part “Panchamrit” pledge. They in-
        the group said increasing cashflows and its robust   tomers enjoy seamless access to charging network   cluded reaching 500 GW of non-fossil electricity ca-
        credit profile have set stage for unrivalled ‘Green   and digital integration for an unparalleled EV ex-  pacity, generating half of all energy requirements
        Investment.’                                  perience. In line with our commitment to enhance   from renewables, to reducing emissions by 1 billion
            Meanwhile, to accelerate the adoption of elec-  customer experience with partner network, we are   tonnes by 2030.
        tric vehicles (EV) in India, Mahindra & Mahin-  actively on-boarding multiple partners to broaden   India as a whole also aims to reduce the emis-
        dra has signed a memorandum of understanding   the EV ecosystem, driving the adoption of electric   sions intensity of GDP by 45 per cent. Finally, India
        (MoU) with Adani Total Energies E-Mobility Lim-  vehicles,” said Veejay Nakra, President - Automo-  commits to net-zero emissions by 2070.

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