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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                     MARCH 29, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 40

                 Embracing the Roller Coaster

              Finding Resilience in the Worst, the Okay, and the Absolute Best Times

                                                                                                                often characterized by success, joy,
                                                                                                                and fulfillment.
                                                                                                              • While these moments can be in-
                                                                                                                credibly rewarding,  they  can also
                                                                                                                come with  their  own  set of chal-
                                                                                                              • It is important to approach these
                                                                                                                times with a sense of gratitude and
                                                                                                                humility, recognizing that they are
                                                                                                                not permanent and that the roll-
                                                                                                                ercoaster of life will continue to
                                                                                                                bring both highs and lows.
                                                                                                              • To embrace the absolute best times
                                                                                                                with resilience, it is crucial to man-
                                                                                                                age expectations and avoid becom-
                                                                                                                ing complacent.
                                                                                                              • Instead of resting on our laurels,
                    Hirav Shah                                                                                  we can use these moments as mo-
                                                                                                                tivation to continue pushing for-
                                                                                                                ward, setting new goals, and pursu-
           n life, we are bound to experi-                                                                      ing personal growth.
           ence a spectrum of emotions -
        Ifrom the worst times that leave                                                                      • By maintaining a growth mindset
                                                                                                                and staying grounded, we can nav-
        us battered and bruised, to the okay                                                                    igate the rollercoaster of success
        moments that offer a respite, and the                                                                   with resilience and grace.
        absolute best times that make us feel
        invincible. The ups and downs can   Life is often compared to a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs, twists and turns. Understand-  Building resilience: Strategies
        sometimes feel like a never-ending                                                                    and techniques for developing
        rollercoaster ride, but there is a way   ing the nature of this rollercoaster is essential for embracing it with resilience (File photo)   resilience
        to find resilience through it all.                                                                    • Building resilience is a lifelong
                                            the challenges and victories with a   physically and emotionally, we can
        The importance of resilience in life  sense of resilience  and gratitude.  better navigate the rollercoaster of   journey that requires practice,
        • Resilience is a fundamental skill                                   life’s challenges.                self-reflection, and the willingness
          that allows us to navigate the chal-  The worst times: How to navigate                                to face challenges head-on. Here
          lenges  and  uncertainties  of  life   through challenges and setbacks  The okay times: Maintaining   are some strategies and techniques
          with grace and perseverance.                                      resilience during periods of stability   that can help develop resilience:
        • It is the ability to bounce back from   • Life’s worst times can be incredi-  and routine           1. Cultivate self-awareness
                                            bly challenging, leaving us feeling
          setbacks, adapt to change, and    overwhelmed, defeated, and lost.   • While the okay times may not be   2. Practice mindfulness
          maintain a positive outlook even in   However, it is during these mo-  as exhilarating as the best times or   3. Reframe negative experiences
          the face of adversity.
        • Resilience is what helps us over-  ments that resilience becomes our   as challenging as the worst times,   4. Set realistic goals
                                                                              they serve an important purpose in
                                            greatest ally.
          come obstacles, learn from our   • To navigate through challenges   our lives.                      5. Take care of your physical and
          experiences, and ultimately grow   and  setbacks,  we  must  first  ac-  • These periods of stability and rou-  mental health
                                            knowledge our emotions and allow   tine  allow  us  to  recharge,  reflect,   Conclusion: Embracing the
        Understanding the rollercoaster of life  ourselves to grieve, heal, and pro-  and prepare for the next twist or   rollercoaster of life with resilience
        • Life is often compared to a roll-  cess our experiences.            turn on the rollercoaster of life.  • Remember, life’s journey is not
          ercoaster, with its ups and downs,   • Next, it is important to reframe our   • To maintain resilience during the   about avoiding the lows or chasing
          twists  and  turns.  Understanding   perspective and view these difficult   okay times, it is crucial to avoid   after  the  highs,  but  about  finding
          the nature of this rollercoaster is   times as opportunities for growth   complacency. Instead of simply   the strength within ourselves to
          essential for embracing it with re-  and learning.                  coasting through these periods, we   navigate the twists and turns with
          silience.                       • By embracing a growth mindset,    can use them as an opportunity to
                                                                                                                resilience and gratitude.
        • The worst times challenge us, test   we  can  find  the  strength  to  over-  set goals, pursue new interests, and   • Embrace the rollercoaster, for it is
          our limits, and push us to grow.   come obstacles, learn from our   continue growing.
        • The okay times provide stability   mistakes, and come out stronger   • By staying curious, proactive, and   through the ups and downs that we
                                                                                                                truly learn, grow, and become the
          and routine, giving us a chance to   on the other side.             open to new experiences, we can   best version of ourselves.
          catch our breath.               • Additionally, practicing self-care,   strengthen our resilience and make
        • The absolute best times bring joy,   seeking support from loved ones,   the most of the okay times.
          success, and fulfilment.          and developing healthy coping                                       The writer is a well known Business
        • By acknowledging and accepting the   mechanisms can all contribute to our   The absolute best times: Embracing   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
          rollercoaster nature of life, we can be-  resilience during the worst times.   success and managing expectations  and BestSelling Author.
          gin to shift our mindset and approach   • By taking care of ourselves both   • The absolute best times in life are   [email protected]

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