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OPINION                                                               MARCH 22, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 12

           United Nations’ Approach to the

         Gaza War: Issues and Challenges

              The situation in Gaza remains grim as the conflict between Hamas and Israel is

             active. The ongoing tussle between the members of the UNSC had only resulted in

                                demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the Security Council

        DR. ARSHAD

              he United Nations (UN) has
              faced challenges as a global
        Tgovernance body to maintain
        peace  and  security  in recent  years.
        The war in Ukraine and the recent
        war in Gaza have challenged its con-
        flict resolution capacity owing to the
        geopolitical interests of the member
        countries. To end the ongoing war
        between  Hamas  and  Israel,  Brazil,
        Malta, and the UAE proposed reso-
        lutions at the United Nations Securi-
        ty Council (UNSC), while the Brazil
        resolution was vetoed by the US, the
        Malta and the UAE resolutions were
        successfully passed. The Permanent 5
        (P-5) members of the UNSC did not
        vote unanimously in favor of the res-
            Countries like the US, the UK,
        and Russia have either abstained or
        vetoed the resolutions due to their
        conflicting interests. The US and the
        UK wanted the resolutions to include
        Israel’s right to self-defense and con-
        demnation of Hamas’ “terrorist”
        attacks. In contrast, countries such
        as  Russia,  China,  and  even  France   Countries like the US, the UK, and Russia have either abstained or vetoed the resolutions due to their conflicting interests (File photo)
        sought a permanent ceasefire, speedy
        initiation of humanitarian supplies,   achieved was outside of the UN, fol-  tween Hamas and Israel.  toed the Brazil-led resolution at the
        and establishment of peace and secu-  lowing the Egypt, Qatar, and the US-  Brazil Proposed Resolution: On   UNSC. The resolution called for an
        rity for the Palestinians. Notably, the   led mediation between Hamas and   October 18, 2023, a Brazil-led draft   “immediate, durable, and sustainable
        Gaza War has exposed the geopolit-  Israel through a series of meetings in   resolution that aimed for the “hu-  humanitarian truce” owing to the un-
        ical rivalry and the vested interests   Qatar, which was also short-lived. In   manitarian pause” was voted in favor   folding of humanitarian catastrophe
        of the member states that are played   this context, the paper aims to discuss   by 12 members of the UNSC, while   following  Israel’s  counter-offensive.
        out in the UN. At the United Nations   the recent UN resolutions and iden-  the US vetoed it, and Russia and the   The countries also supported the
        General Assembly (UNGA), the res-  tify the challenges the UN faced in its   UK abstained. The resolution men-  uninterrupted aid access to the Gaza
        olutions were adopted with majority   efforts to resolve the Gaza War.   tioned ‘humanitarian pause’ instead   Strip. The session called for the re-
        votes for an immediate humanitarian                                 of ‘humanitarian ceasefire’. The US   scinding of the order by Israel, the
        truce. Even though the UNGA’s res-  MAJOR RESOLUTIONS AT THE        vetoed it because the resolution did   “occupying power,” for Palestinians,
        olution was only a recommendation   UN DEALING WITH THE GAZA        not mention Israel’s right of self-de-  UN staff, and humanitarian and
        without any legal binding, it showed           WAR                  fense, which is reflected in Article 51   medical workers to evacuate all areas
        that the international community      The members of the UN pro-    of the UN Charter. Therefore, the   of the northern Gaza and relocate to
        was keen to implement a permanent   posed the following resolutions that   UNSC failed to adopt the resolution.  southern  Gaza.  The  resolution  was
        ceasefire  to  end  the  humanitarian   aimed to focus on several issues, such   Jordan Proposed Resolution at   voted in favor by 120 votes, while 45
        crisis, and that the UNGA could   as “humanitarian pause,” “perma-  UNGA’s  10th  Emergency  Session:   members abstained and 14, including
        succeed where  the  UNSC  failed.   nent  ceasefire,”  and  “suspension  of   Jordan proposed the resolution on   the US and Israel, voted against it.
        The ‘humanitarian pause’ that was   hostilities” to resolve the conflict be-  October 26, 2023, after the US ve-  Continued on next page... >>

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