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NATION                                                                MARCH 22, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

                                                             CAA RULE

         India reminds US about its own history as

         differences emerge over citizenship move

             The United States says that it is “concerned” about the notification of the Citizenship

               (Amendment) Act and that it is “closely monitoring” the implementation of the act

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

           n a sign of major disagreement be-
           tween India and US over the Cit-
        Iizenship Amendment Act (CAA)
        External Affairs Ministry has said that
        it is an internal matter of India and
        that those who have a “limited un-
        derstanding of India’s pluralistic tra-
        ditions” should not make “misplaced,
        misinformed, and unwarranted” com-
        ments on the legislation.
            The MEA statement on Friday
        came after the US expressed concerns
        over the CAA, which was notified ear-
        lier this week. In a press briefing on
        Friday, the official spokesperson of the
        Ministry of External Affairs, Rand-
        hir Jaiswal said, “Lectures by those
        who have a limited understanding of
        India’s pluralistic traditions and the
        region’s post-partition history are best
        not attempted. Partners and wellwish-                   MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal replying to media questions on the CAA issue
        ers of India should welcome the intent
        with which this step has been taken.”  fication  of  the  Citizenship  (Amend-  many parts of the world, it is as though   own policies. So, if you say, you are
            Citizenship (Amendment) Rules,   ment) Act (CAA) in India, adding   the partition of India has never hap-  picking some faiths and not some oth-
        2024 enable persons eligible under   that it is “closely monitoring” the   pened. And there were no consequen-  er  faiths.  I  will  give  you  some  other
        CAA-2019 to apply for the grant of In-  implementation  of  the  act.  “We  are   tial problems which the CAA is sup-  examples of it. Have you heard the
        dian citizenship and applications are   closely monitoring how this act will   posed to address,” he said.  Jackson-Vanik Amendment, which
        to be submitted in a completely online   be  implemented.  Respect  for  reli-  “If you take a problem, remove all   is about Jews from the Soviet Union.
        mode for which a web portal has been   gious freedom and equal treatment   the historical context from it, sanitize it   You would ask why only Jews. There
        provided by the government.       under the law for all communities are   and make it into a political correctness   was the Lautenberg Amendment
            “The act  grants  a  safe  haven  to   fundamental democratic principles,”   argument and say, I have principles   which is about Christians and Jews in
        persecuted minorities belonging to   US State Department Spokesperson,   and don’t you have principles. I have   1999 Soviet Union,” he said.
        Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi and   Matthew Miller told reporters at his   principles too and one of my princi-  “There was a spectre amend-
        Christian communities from Afghan-  daily briefing on Thursday (local time).  ples is obligation to who were let down   ment, which was about a law, which
        istan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who    Meanwhile, External Affairs Min-  at the time of partition,” he added.  was about a particular ethnicity from
        have entered India on or before De-  ister S Jaishankar on Saturday boldly   EAM firmly defended the imple-  Vietnam who had a fast track to cit-
        cember 31, 2014,” the MEA spokes-  addressed criticism on the implemen-  mentation of CAA and slammed the   izenship  because  they  had  fought
        person said.                      tation of the Citizenship Amendment   critics to reevaluate their own policies   alongside the  Americans.  There
            Jaiswal said that the constitution   Act (CAA) and questioned the glob-  before  accusing  India  of  introducing   were  fast-tracking  Hungarians  after
        of India guarantees freedom of reli-  al understanding of historical events,   policies on the basis of some faiths.   the Hungarian revolution. Thus, fast
        gion to all its citizens, and there are no   adding that the government has an   Jaishankar highlighted similar instanc-  tracking of Cubans in the 1960s. If you
        grounds for any concern or treatment   obligation to the people who were let   es, including the Spectre amendment   were to ask me, have other countries,
        of minorities.                    down at the time of partition. “I am   for a particular ethnicity from Vietnam   other democracies fast tracked on the
            “Vote bank politics should not de-  not questioning the imperfections or   and  the  fast-tracking  citizenship  of   basis of ethnicity, faiths, and social at-
        termine views about a laudable initia-  otherwise of their democracy or their   Hungarians after the Hungarian revo-  tributes,” he added.
        tive to help those in distress,” he said.  principles or lack of it. I am question-  lution, as well as Cubans in the 1960s.  The  Centre  notified  the  rules
            The United States on Thursday   ing their understanding of our histo-  “I also have a problem when peo-  for  implementing  the  Citizenship
        that it is “concerned” about the noti-  ry. If you hear many comments from   ple don’t hold up to mirror to their   Amendment Act on March 11.

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