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OPINION                                                               MARCH 22, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 14

        Though the resolution was not bind-
        ing, it carried political weight as the
        majority of the members of the UN
        supported it. It also revealed that at
        the UN, the US and Israel were in a
        minority. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli
        Cohen called the resolution “despi-
        cable” and stated that Israel intends
        to eliminate Hamas.
            Malta Proposed Resolution 2712
        (2023): Malta’s resolution was adopt-
        ed by the UNSC on November 16,
        2023, after a series of negotiations
        among the member states. The res-
        olution was brought to address the
        “dire  situation  of  children  trapped
        and held hostages” in the Gaza War.
        It not only urged for urgent and ex-
        tended “humanitarian pauses” and
        corridors throughout the Gaza Strip,
        but it also demanded the immediate
        and unconditional release of all hos-
        tages held by Hamas. However, the
        resolution neither demanded Israel
        stop killing civilians nor did it con-
        demn  its  indiscriminate  bombings   The war in Gaza has continued, in fact expanded as Israel continued to carry out air strikes in northern and southern Gaza (File photo)
        and besieging of Gaza. The 12 mem-
        bers of the UNSC voted in favor of                                  on  several issues, such as  “Israel’s   Hamas for not releasing all the wom-
        the resolution.  The resolution  did  The resolution created the new  right  to  self-defense,”  “condemning   en and children. Hamas blamed Isra-
        not condemn the Hamas attacks, ow-  role of Senior Coordinator for   Hamas for the terror attacks,” and   el for neither halting the attacks nor
        ing to which the US and the UK ab-                                  “permanent  ceasefire.”  The  reso-  releasing the Palestinian prisoners.
        stained from the resolution. On the  Humanitarian Assistance and  lutions exposed how the UNSC is
        contrary, Russia abstained from the   Reconstruction in Gaza, and Sig-  deeply divided and how it is ineffec-  CONCLUSION
        resolution because it failed to imple-                              tive in maintaining peace and security   The  situation  in  Gaza  remains
        ment an immediate ceasefire due to  rid Kaag was appointed to this  in Gaza. Besides, the two resolutions   grim as the conflict between Hamas
        the opposition from the US and Isra-  vital role. The resolution  was   were proposed at the UNGA and   and Israel  is  active. The  ongoing
        el. However, China and France voted                                 gained the majority of votes in favor   tussle between the members of the
        in favor of the resolution. Since no  delayed multiple times despite  of a “sustainable humanitarian truce,”   UNSC had only resulted in demon-
        P-5 members vetoed it, the resolution   the severity of the humanitarian   but they had no legal obligation.   strating the ineffectiveness of the
        was adopted by the UNSC.                                                Meanwhile,  the  war  in  Gaza   Security Council. At the UNSC, the
            UNGA’s “Resolution on Protec-  crisis in Gaza. The resolution did  continued, in fact expanded as Israel   countries are divided between those
        tion of Civilians and Upholding Le-  not demand an immediate end    continued to carry out air strikes in   who are seeking a ceasefire to end the
        gal and Humanitarian Obligations”                                   northern and southern Gaza. Israel’s   humanitarian crisis of unparalleled
        on December 12, 2023, demanding  to the fighting.                   government was clear that the war   scale and those who are seeking to
        an “immediate humanitarian cease-                                   against Hamas would continue un-  root out Hamas from the Gaza Strip,
        fire,”  the  immediate  and  uncondi-  The member states had to hold   til all of Israel’s goals were achieved,   which has resulted in the killing of
        tional release of all hostages, and   several negotiations with the US so   namely,  to  topple  the  Gaza-ruling   more than 25000 civilians and injuring
        “ensuring humanitarian access.” It   that the American Representative at   terror group, secure the release of all   more than 65000 in the Gaza enclave.
        was passed with a large majority of   the UNSC could not veto the reso-  the hostages, and ensure that there is   This logjam has created pessimism
        153 in favor and 10 against, with 23   lution again. Besides, it was also re-  no further threat from the enclave to   that the UN is failing again to prevent
        abstentions. However, the resolution   ported that there were growing differ-  Israel’s security.     the  regionalization  of  conflict,  vio-
        did not condemn Hamas or make any   ences between the State Department   The deadlock at the UNSC over   lence, and instability, and has led to
        specific  references  to  the  extremist   and the White House that further   the  issue  of  “permanent  ceasefire”,   repeated calls for enhancing the effec-
        group. Countries including the US,   delayed the voting on the resolution.   the mounting humanitarian crisis, and   tiveness of the body and for reformed
        Israel, Austria, Paraguay, and Liberia   At the UNSC, 13 members approved   the  emerging  regionalization  of  the   multilateralism with the reform of the
        voted against the resolution.     the resolution. Among the P-5 mem-  Gaza War, pushed Egypt, Qatar, and   UNSC at its core. The Israel-Hamas
            UAE Proposed Resolution 2720   bers,  Russia and  the  US abstained   the US to mediate the “humanitarian   War is yet another occasion when the
        (2023):  The  UAE  proposed  resolu-  from voting, while France, China and   pause” between Israel and Hamas   UN will be tested for its performance
        tion 2720 was adopted in the UNSC   UK voted in favor of the resolution.   outside the UN. The humanitarian   and efficacy.
        on December 22, 2023. The resolu-  Israel’s Ambassador to the UN not   pause which was agreed on Novem-
        tion called for “urgent and extended   only criticized the resolution but also   ber 24, 2023, however, was lasted only   Dr Arshad is a Research Intern at Indi-
        humanitarian pauses and corridors   raised the issue that the UN still had   for a short period of time (7 days).   an Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.
        throughout the Gaza Strip for a suf-  not condemned Hamas.              In that period, the Israel and    Views expressed are personal.
        ficient number of days to enable full,   The UNSC considered three   Hamas started exchanging 105 hostag-  This article first appeared in
        rapid, safe and unhindered humani-  resolutions to diffuse the conflict be-  es and 240 prisoners in several stages
        tarian access,” and the “creation of   tween Hamas and Israel, as discussed   through a ‘temporary truce.’ Negoti-  the Viewpoint section of the website
        conditions for a sustainable cessation   above. However, the UNSC P-5 mem-  ations over the exchange of prisoners   ( of Indian Council of
        of hostilities.”                  bers could not take a unified approach   got over as Israel and the US blamed   World Affairs, New Delhi

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