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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                       MARCH 22, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 16

                Building a City of Opportunity for

          8.3 million residents of New York City

              For far too long, outdated regulations have made it difficult for small businesses
         in our city to flourish. These regulations, enacted in 1961, no longer make sense for the

           modern city in which we live. They include zoning laws that prevent certain kinds of
                                               businesses in specific neighborhoods

                   ERIC ADAMS

              s I often say, we live in a city of
              8.3 million people — and 35
        Amillion opinions. But one thing
        all New Yorkers can agree on is that
        people come to our city to make it.
        They come here to work, build lives,
        and fulfill the American Dream. And
        the Adams administration is commit-
        ted to creating the conditions for that   The temporary outdoor dining program saved 100,000 jobs during COVID and showed us a bright future for our streets — but it also led to
        dream to flourish. This means doing
        everything  we  can  to  protect  public                          abandoned sheds and sanitation issues (File photo)
        safety, rebuild our economy, and
        make all five boroughs more livable   on Madison Avenue; or being al-  nomic Opportunity.             es and ideas for how to design their
        for all New Yorkers.              lowed to have music and DJs at some   Along the same lines, we have   space, and the new rules ensure that
            As part of our ongoing efforts,   bars, but not being allowed to set   made outdoor dining permanent.  the areas around outdoor dining
        we have developed “City of Yes for   aside space for customers to dance   The temporary outdoor dining pro-  spaces are kept clean, so they look
        Economic Opportunity” — a set of   to the music. Worse still, these out-  gram saved 100,000 jobs during   good and don’t attract rodents and
        18 zoning changes that will help busi-  dated rules prevent businesses own-  COVID and showed us a bright   other pests.
        nesses find space and grow, support   ers and entrepreneurs from meeting   future for our streets — but it also   Running  a  city  like  New  York
        entrepreneurs and freelancers, boost   real needs.                  led  to  abandoned  sheds  and  sanita-  is never easy, and for all New York-
        growing industries, and make our      With the City Council’s support,  tion issues. Our permanent program   ers to flourish, we must continue to
        streetscapes more vibrant.        we can sweep aside these senseless   works for locals, tourists, and restau-  adapt to new realities. Whether it’s
            For far too long, outdated reg-  restrictions and create more oppor-  rant owners and keeps our streets at-  responding  to  climate  change,  get-
        ulations  have  made  it  difficult  for   tunities for New Yorkers and their   tractive, safe, and trash-free.   ting rid of outdated zoning rules, cre-
        small businesses in our city to flour-  businesses to flourish.  We have suc-  And we’re making it easier for   ating new economic opportunities,
        ish. These regulations, enacted in   cessfully partnered with the Council   restaurants to create clean and safe   or implementing new commonsense
        1961, no longer make sense for the   on “City of Yes for Carbon Neutral-  outdoor dining setups through our   rules to keep us all safe and healthy,
        modern city in which we live. They   ity,” which makes it easier for New   new Dining Out NYC portal, which   the Adams administration puts the
        include zoning laws that prevent cer-  Yorkers to go green with clean ener-  will allow more New Yorkers across   health and prosperity of New York-
        tain  kinds  of  businesses  in  specific   gy, solar panels, composting, electric   the  five  boroughs  to  enjoy  outdoor   ers front and center every day.
        neighborhoods — for example ban-  vehicles, and more. Now, we can do   dining. The portal offers restaurant   Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        ning hardware stores or repair shops   the same with City of Yes for Eco-  owners a wide range of free resourc-  New York City, NY

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